Post Those Urchins!!!!


Active Member
hey all. I love urchins - give me eye-candy!!!!! :jumping:
Also, tell us why you picked that species and why you love/hate/can't live without your little spiny-winey prickle-headed thorny round and rowdy urchin-dude!!!


Active Member
Bump. I KNOW you have uchins out there, people. stop being stingy with those pix!!!


Active Member
oooooh cute!!! does he wave his little spineys all over the place when he moves?? Urchins r the shizzle-dizzle.


Active Member
Here is my purple pincushion urchin. I just love these critters. I don't have snails and don't need them. This guy does it all and in the process has spread coraline algae in my tank that I never had before....
Would not be without one.


There was a black long-spine urchin at the LFS here that had to have at least a 12" radius. It was ridiculous. I have no idea how you'd even pack it up to take it home.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Bronco300
holy crap thats an amazing pic bang, are those baby pjs or what?
They're baby Bang Guys. I've been breeding Banggai for about 4 years now.


Hmm... well, I've got the black ones that came with the LR (Gulf Coast) and multiply like crazy at times. The white one has more than doubled in size since we got it. The one with the rosy tips didn't make it. Either one of the mantis shrimp or one of the mithrax crabs got it. It was probably our fault, tho. (We didn't know that all the rubble it was picking up was for camouflage. We thougt it got picked up by accident, so we always cleaned it off, lol.)



Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Yeah Bang Guy. How do you distinguish male and female Bangals?

you cant tell until one is bearing eggs. a good way to see though is try to determin which ones are in close proximity of eachother in a tank and arent fighting. this is the only hint that you will have.
ive wanted to get an urchine for a long time, but jsut dont want it tearing up my rocks and eating all my coraline form off of it. i wanted to get a long-spined for the exact reason that is shown in bangs picture, but my tank is only a 40 breeder, and i dont think that i have room for something that big in it.
bang, i have a question: ive been looking into possibly breeding bangais but have heard taht they dont like bright lights and will sometimes only eat at night if the lights are too bright. i have halides over my 40 breeder. what is your take on this? is it harder/not good to have bangais under bright lighting? what are yours under?