Post Ur Gorgonians Here


here is mine, the day I put it in my tank. How will you know when its unhappy with your tank? since i put it in mine has every pollop open that it can prety much all day. I feed the coral life phytoplankton and it seams to like it, theres a big PH by it so every thing gets sucked right to it.
I need to take a new pic with it all open


good alex

Originally Posted by b0bby1
no, i dont think anything will harm these. i think im going with the red one.

what about angles?


Originally Posted by Good Alex
what about angles?
my emerald crab is now a biggest threat for my Gorg.
Mr. crab is gittin bigger and bigger everyday.
I saw Mr. crab came and picked on the polyps twice.
I don't think he intentionally tried to eat the polyps.
Just that he wanted to eat some of the algae grows on the Gorg.
One time, he found out that I feed my Gorg with Cyclopeez and so he now wants to grab the polyps assuming the polyps carry Cyclopeez with them.

good alex

i dont have an emerald crab because of their reputation to be slghty agressive towards fish swimming by, but i do think threre really cool!!

good alex

i asked about angels because they will nip a coral and was just wondering if anyone has an angel with their gorgs, would definately like to add some color to the FOWLR tank


Originally Posted by Good Alex
i asked about angels because they will nip a coral and was just wondering if anyone has an angel with their gorgs, would definately like to add some color to the FOWLR tank
Only well mature reef tanks can provide Gorg a good home.
Gorg. is a coral. It needs all trace elements like corals.
I don't think it's a good idea to have a Gorg. in FOWLR.
I have Flame Angle in my reef tank.
It is not reef safe. Mine picks on quite a few things in my reef tank, but it leaves my Gorg. alone.


Heres my blueberry gorg....
each branching thing or w/e is about 8" ....
i got it this weekend at my LFS.. guy had it in a tank with MHs... sold it to me for 50$.. wouldnt open for the first three days.. then today i put it in the flow of one of the powerheads .. so its getting a lot of flow ... and it came all out today looks beautiful..


is that trumpet coral?? aka candy coral???
if so do you feed it at all? if so how often? and what? tyvm


yeah, thats a candy cane (caulestrea furcata). It gets pulverized frozen supplements along with a zoo, phyo, chroma, micrevert mix that it reaches for whenever I dose the tank. I target tehm regularly too. I have even seen them eat almost whole krill, crazy to watch, but they can do it. It has doubled in size in the past year and polyps too. Someof them even tripled. Ihave a couple small frags from the uderside I thought might enjoy a little more light and give the bigger ones more room.