Post you Blasto's!


Okay, Could y'all please post some pictures of your Blasto's? I saw one I wanted yesterday..absolutely gorgeous...$225. I couldn't swing for it.
But I am now really interested, and would like to see more.


New Member
Originally Posted by Jahfeetyun
Thanks btown! your blasto is nice as well. What color temp bulbs are you running in your tank?
Thanks Jah - I think its just the standard nano 24 lighting - 72 watts combo power compact 50/50 actinic and 12k white. Correct me if I am wrong but I aso believe the Blasto's do not require too much lighting? Id like to get some of those rare colors you posted-Sweet!!


Active Member
here is my wellsi. i have 4 polyps of merletti two which have been growing fast. but my wellsis havent grown a single polyp. some died when i switched to MH, but everything is fine now. Here is a pic if i can get it to work.
ive shown this pic, and a close up of my frogspawn as the only pics of my tank, so it is already in the archive, but i will add it anyways.


Active Member
From a friend's tank. Not sure if they are blastos or acans. He calls them micro something..


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
they look like micromusa to me.... those are usualy EXPENSIVE :scared:
like about how much would they run you?