post your 55's pics -- PLEASE!!!


Originally Posted by skirrby
what? i really dont think its agenst the law to have living corals in your tank,, dont you think if it was, alot of us would be in deep trouble. and they wouldnt sell them to the public.. maybe i misunderstood what you said.. where do you live,, what law states it as being illegial.. not trying to challenge you, just struck my intrest, id like to know more


I definetly want to see more of your tank Skirrby...if you have to email them to me :jumping:
EDIT: I'll host them for that frogspawn that has taken over you reef? :eek:


the pics at the bottom of thread are from 2 months ago with reg lighting and very boring rock work,lol.. heres how it looks now(pics now in this box)
.. imagine what its going to look like in 6 months :thinking:
.. ever since my first pics here near bottom of thread page ive added smaller rock..some live, some dead..i also added 2 pumps and a spray bar for extra current :yes: one rio 600 and one rio 800..i also have a rio2100 in my wet-dry system that goes to the return(my spray bar).. i have different types of current going through my rock work...ive noticed the cool current when i add food. the current goes in and out of my rock work..hopw ya like :happy: .. i cant wait till my tank is covered in coriline :joy: .. its starting to develope coriline already :happy:


Active Member
Awesome tanks everyone!!! I'm setting up a 55 soon so this helps me get ideas on what to get and do. :happy:


Originally Posted by junkiebeas
Hello to everybody, and nice job. Here's my 55
great tank!!!one of the best in here :yes: how much $ you got in it?....


Originally Posted by junkiebeas
Hello to everybody, and nice job. Here's my 55
how long have you had the blue hippo? and have you had any ick problems with him?


i have a hippo in my 55gal. i got him when he was about 1in. that was about a yr ago. now hes 4in. once in a while he has one or two ick spots. but only when he gets stressed but the other fish. (yellow tang). its pretty much all about the water quailty, if its good u shouldnt have any problems.


Here's my 55g with 25lbs of LR with pine oak setup. B4 saying it's more bare than a shirtless eskimo(no offense if ur of eskimo decent) it's less than a week old. Yes i know, more rock is on the way...gosh! :happy: right click, view image

right click, view image


Here's mine....this was a full blown reef for a couple of years, then the hurricanes wiped it out (all corals, all inverts, some fish died), now it's a reef again. So not much in the way of corals yet, but the fish are; yellow tang, 2 ocellaris clowns, 3 three striped damsels, 1 blue devil damsel. The YT and 1 clown are my original fish had them about 5 years now...the rest for almost a year.