post your angels


Originally Posted by ktsdad
We have been doing research on larger reef safe fish, we didn't buy a 250 gallon tank to have a bunch of dwarfs and I really don't want any Ich Magnets - I mean any tangs.
We have found one large angelfish that is listed as reef safe and non-aggresive toward most other fish. The Swallow Tail Angel, aka Blackspot Angelfish (Genicanthus melanospilos).
According to the Pocket Expert Guide for Marine Fish (Scott W Michael), it poses no threat to stony or soft corals.
Picture (large adult female) from another website since it is not available on
You could also look at the lemarks(spelling might be wrong)angel beautiful fish and have seen sevarl aquariums with them in it loaded with sps and softies


Originally Posted by Bob A.
Here's Queenie:

Yeah, how big is your tank? How well is the Queen doing? Is it active or shy? I am thknking of getting a Queen or Emperor for my 180g.


Adamc: BEAUTIFUL Queen! What size tank is it in? How does it act? Shy or active? I am either getting a Queen or an Emperor for my 180g, and cant decide!


Originally Posted by Adamc1303
My Queen Angel
how big is that queen and what size tank do you her in? I want to get a juvi about 3-5 and i have a 125 g tank right now. thanks


Originally Posted by peter1215
im really starting to believe this "law" of one angel to a tank is really a one to one basis. I have several friends who have numerous angles in their tanks. One has a blue ring and a french in a 220 . the other guy has about three pygmies in a 180g
That's why I stopped listening to the advice on this site. Under the listing for Majestic Angels in the livestock section they emphasize that you can't have two or more Angels in a tank, yet that's been proven false in this thread. I had 6 angels and 2 dwarf angels in my old tank and I plan on at least 4 and 2 this time around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
do you think a juvi queen and a french would ok in a 125 for a feew months unitl i get my 220?
I'd have to advise against a queen and a french being put together in a tank less than 1000 gallons. They are both from the Carribean which means they wont get along. They are also two of the more aggressive angelfish species. One or the other. JMO


Sweet, the first Passer to make it. He is one mean S.O.B. though. The only fish he doesn't mess with is the clown trigger! (hope it attached)
