post your angels


Active Member
all very nice angels, everyone!

i have a 150 reef, and i was really hoping i can put an emperor in there. i thinh the size is right, but he will eat all of the corals?? is there any chance? or will i have to get rid of him when he gets big and hungry?


Originally Posted by Emperor11
I'd have to advise against a queen and a french being put together in a tank less than 1000 gallons. They are both from the Carribean which means they wont get along. They are also two of the more aggressive angelfish species. One or the other. JMO
Yeah, that's pushing it. French Angels are a pain in the butt and Queen's are pretty aggressive to other Angels as well, even though I had a Majestic, Queen, Blue Mask, Emperor, and a Rock Beauty in my old tank. It's such a hit and miss situation getting them not to fight, but a French and a Queen, Yikes! Unless you put both of them in at the same time, and I wouldn't advise that in your size tank.


Originally Posted by mystic7
That's why I stopped listening to the advice on this site. Under the listing for Majestic Angels in the livestock section they emphasize that you can't have two or more Angels in a tank, yet that's been proven false in this thread. I had 6 angels and 2 dwarf angels in my old tank and I plan on at least 4 and 2 this time around.


Originally Posted by Bob A.
Here's Queenie:

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! There is NOTHING like a queen angel!


Originally Posted by drago
I agree! In my old tank I had a Queen, juvi French, Juvi Koran and a Flame. Not one fight.
I had the same in my 125. No fighting! Although, I did not have a Flame and my French was adult.


Yea you can keep more than one per tank if you do it right. I need to get some better pics of my emp angel. he is almost fully in to his adult coloration.



Originally Posted by LedZep fan
I guess my angel is the most comon...
Juv. Korans are quite beautiful...and you will be awed by the adults too. They really are a pretty fish!!!