Post Your Cameras


Active Member
Kodak Easyshare DX6340 -3.1 mega pixels.
Decent enough pics, i'd like them to be better though.



Active Member
well, i tried some pics again with my camera(DX7590), this is what came out, i like it for the most part.... :joy:



Beautiful pictures, seems like everyone has some pretty good camera's out there. It was a difficult choice, but I went and got a Kodak DX7590. Can't wait to charge it and try it out.


Active Member
well i think youll definitely be pleased, its a wonderful camera anywhere, especially if you like a zoom


Active Member
The more I learn about it the more I like it!! BTW, have you seen Bang Guy's humming bird picture?? I'll post it, amazing IMO.


Originally Posted by ReefNut
The more I learn about it the more I like it!! BTW, have you seen Bang Guy's humming bird picture?? I'll post it, amazing IMO.

Wow, simply amazing.. so beautiful


Viper... is that turtle in your SW tank!? That may be a stupid question... but I haven't seen/heard of that before.

nm reef

Active Member
My canon does fairly well with macros...I'd like to be able to get better macro shots.....but these ain't too bad.....


nm reef

Active Member
Last ones from the Canon G5 owner...I promise.......and I really do wish I had better macro results......its really all in the ability of the photographer and the ability of the camera to work in so close.....I'm lucky the camera is good!!!


nm reef

Active Member
A close up taken using the flower icon....or "macro mode" in macroscopic I think :thinking:


Sweet pictures NM Reef
Here are my first couple pictures with my new camera.
1) had to cover the tank with a sheet cause we were working on building the hood in the
apt.. didn't want to expose the aquarium to sawdust. My fish kept peeking out under
sheet.. Got a shot of the percula
2) my Rock Blenny
3) another picture of my Rock Blenny
4) Banded shrimp, snails and bristtle worm sharing a tasty morsel



Thanks Bang Guy.. My Blenny Loves his picture taken.. when he sees me coming with the camera he is front and center. He also is hand tame, comes right up to the top with the clowns when I am hand feeding them.
Thanks Blemmy_Guy, I agree, I think I made a good choice, and thanks for everyones input.
It is always helpful to know what kind of camera everyone is using, especially when you all post such sweet pictures.