Post your clams here!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SHAWNLX86
pictures taken last year on Great Barrier Reef

That is a great pic! Thanks for sharing!


Active Member
That is amazing.... It just made remember how awesome and limitless the ocean is.
Thanks for posting

mr. guitar

Here's my clam. I know it's in the sand. I currently don't have any room to put it anywhere else. It's one of my favorite things in my tank. Hope yall like it!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Nice clam seannmelly!!! I like the design on it. How big is it?

roughly 5inches, i like it


Active Member
Originally Posted by SHAWNLX86
pictures taken last year on Great Barrier Reef

You can make a lot of clam chowder with that!!! :scared: :scared: :scared:


Originally Posted by ynotminot
omg..that thing is HUGE!!!.. its got coral growing on it!...

Thats what I was thinking. Know your old when you start to see coral growing on your shell.