Post your Goby/Shrimp Duo


Active Member
I am still amazed at the relationship between shrimp goby's and pistol shrimp. This is the best pic I could get because every time I get close with the camera the Goby freaks lol.
Let's see your pairing!!

nm reef

Active Member
Tiger pistol (that is very difficult to photograph) and orange spotted gobt (that is a friggin' camera hog)...



Will all gobies take to a pistol shrimp, or vice versa? I think I have a pistol shrimp in my tank as I hear clicking noises (definitely not a mantis shrimp) and if all it takes to pair the two up is buy a goby, done deal.
Great pictures!


Active Member
No, not all pistols and not all gobys will pair up. I also have a hitchhiker pistol I had hoped the Goby would pair up with. He never did so I got a tiger pistol and with in the first night they found each other. The best way is to buy a pair though. That way you're sure they will take to each other.


Active Member
Do pistol shrimps kill cleaner shrimps like mantis shrimp do?
-Adam (sorry,thinking about getting one,wanted to know)


Active Member
NM, I see that Goby everywhere - but I've never seen it called an "Orange spotted" before - it's always listed as pink? :notsure: (for instance, on this site, he's listed as a pink and blue spotted shrimpgoby)
He's soooooo gorgeous :joy: - does he get really big?
I'm still agonizing over what to put in my 12... I was thinking a shrimp/goby pair would be awesome, but some of these gobies can get suprisingly large!


Active Member
I LOVE my pair also. I have the same pair as NM Reef. I originally bought a pistol shrimp and spotted goby already paired from LFS, but the poor Goby was beaten up by another fish so badly it died.
Then I had Big Dig (shrimp) all by himself for months until yesterday, he now has new buddy. The Goby found him and went into his den the first day in the tank. :jumping:
Mimzy- they would be great to watch in a 12 gallon, less obstruction from live rock. I love mine in my 29 so much I am considering getting another pair to put in my 16.
Great pics everybody, keep em coming!


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Do pistol shrimps kill cleaner shrimps like mantis shrimp do?
-Adam (sorry,thinking about getting one,wanted to know)

Not at all. They are scavengers. I have a green pistol and have yet to figure out what to pair it with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Do pistol shrimps kill cleaner shrimps like mantis shrimp do?
-Adam (sorry,thinking about getting one,wanted to know)
I've heard people mention this before... I really dont see it happening... but I wouldnt totally dismiss it.


Active Member
I haven't seen mine harm anything. I do spot feed him though.
From my understanding they are predators but not as damaging as a mantis. Before I started spot feeding mine he would come out during feeding time and get food like the rest of the pack... the only reason I decided to start spot feeding is to insure that he gets plenty.


Active Member
Yea they protect each other. As said the Goby has the eyes and warns the shrimp of trouble... in return the Goby gets a safe home to retreat in.


Cool pics NM, I just got a Yasha Hase shrimp goby today and the LFS is getting some banded pistol shrimp in next week. I am truly hopeing that they will pair. Keep my fingers crossed.
P.S. Fishmamma, Big Dig is my 122lbs Akita's nickname. LOL


Active Member
Nice pics everyone! I wont to get a goby shrimp combo for my tank soon. Its so cool the way they take care of each other.


Active Member
Ok fokes, I know more people have a pair... don't be intimidated by NM's pics... let's see yours!!!!