...now, I love my yellow watchman goby, tiger pistol shrimp pair, but I do have a story to pass along. I had a scooter blenny for awhile, and I don't know if maybe he was sick making him easy prey or not, but my pistol shrimp ate him. How do I know this for sure? At the time the shrimp had tunneled right up against the glass in my 44 gallon corner tank. Very cool! Very cool until the slaughter, that is. He drug the blenny down the hole while it was still alive... I could see him gasping while the shrimp used those claws of his to try to open him up like a can opener. The whole time goby just would scoot past them when he felt like it as if nothing were going on. My boyfriend finally put up a post it note over the carnage because I couldn't stop watching with horror.
Very sad ordeal. I still love them both and enjoy watching them, but every now and again a small fish will go missing and I've never found a body in my tank... :notsure: