Post your lobster pics!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
And can i put a small 1 inch lobster in a size 8 oceanic biocube reef?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Why? Can i put a 1/2 inch lobster in there?
Well,you were not very specific of the type of lobster you wanted to add. Some tend to get quite large...depending on your choice of lobsters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
What kind of lobster would be ok? Maybe Blue Spiny Lobster, Purple Lobster, or a Red Reef Lobster.
FORGET a BLUE SPINEY,, I have one and I need to get rid of it,, its getting too BIG! those purples and reds are super agressive..

coral keeper

Active Member
Is there ANY ANY ANY kind of lobster that can go in my size 8 Oceanic Biocube? I want to get a small one that is like 1/2 inch or smaller if i can even find one thats that small then whean he gets to big ill trade it for a small one?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Is there ANY ANY ANY kind of lobster that can go in my size 8 Oceanic Biocube? I want to get a small one that is like 1/2 inch or smaller if i can even find one thats that small then whean he gets to big ill trade it for a small one?
What you can do and what you should do are 2 different things.......Just like people put a tang is a 29 gallon....lots of people do it....but not really a good idea. Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Will al lobster be ok in a reef tank with inverts and corals and fish?
Definately not CORAL, They are supper agressive especially the ones with claws, and will eat and kill ALL types of fish and invert,, now you wouldnt want that? would you?
i have a 2 inch purple lobster in my reef tank and i have no problems with him eattin anything. it just depends on how well u keep them full.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey NewtoReef_tank can you post a pic of your lobster? and how long youve had it for? And how fast do they grow?


Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Has anyone kept a purple lobster with a cleaner shrimp? Will it eat the cleaner shrimp?
I keep a purple lobster with two fire shrimp. To be honest, the lobster was a somewhat expensive animal that is very seclusive and isnt seen too much. He does spend all his time under a rock with his face and claws sticking out, but his whole body is never in sight, maybe once a day at most. He's also a large one, at 3 inches.
He will slash at the shrimp if they get too close.