Post your lobster pics!!!


Active Member
I myself think you need to slow down....Not to much is going to live in an 8 gallon biocube...Esp not lobsters...Slow down and take your time...


A small lobster should be just fine an 8 gallon if its kept by itself. I have seen two lobsters in a 12 gallon before, that apparently had been doing great for over a year. They are needy creatures though, and special care should be taken before acting on any impulses.
Still no pics?


why don't you get a pistol shrimp instead of a lobster? they stay small.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hmmm..... A pistol shrimp, well i gess ill get a pistol shrimp. I went to my LFS and i got my self a big xenia frag for only $10!!!
and i also got a green emerald crab for $5.99, and i also seen a yellow wachman with a pistol paired up for sale i seen like 4

of shrimps and gobys all in diff tanks. Can i keep a yellow wachman and a pistol in my size 8 oceanic biocube?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hmmm..... A pistol shrimp, well i gess ill get a pistol shrimp. I went to my LFS and i got my self a big xenia frag for only $10!!!
and i also got a green emerald crab for $5.99, and i also seen a yellow wachman with a pistol paired up for sale i seen like 4

of shrimps and gobys all in diff tanks. Can i keep a yellow wachman and a pistol in my size 8 oceanic biocube?
Now thats a good combo, go for that! I dont see a problem with that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
ok. If anyone wants i can post a pic of my xenia and my emerald i got yesterday?
Would love to see what you picked up CORAL!

coral keeper

Active Member
Right now the xenia is in a diff spot but i cant get a good pic because the cleaner shrimp is on it and the xenia is all closed up. and can a pistol shrimp live with a cleaner shrimp? or will they fight? and ill post a nother pic of the xenia on its new spot.