Post your lobster pics!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
If i feed the xenia brine shrimp eggs will it grow faster?
CK, You do not need to feed your xenia, it will grow by itself under good lighting by photosynthesis and absorbing some nitrates and phosphates from you water.

coral keeper

Active Member
I know that i dont need to feed him but IF i do feed it brine shrimp eggs will it grow any faster and will it be healther?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
I know that i dont need to feed him but IF i do feed it brine shrimp eggs will it grow any faster and will it be healther?
Definately NOT brine shrimp eggs, IF YOU MUST maybe some phytoplankon once a week. But if your nitrates and phosphates are elevated its really not necessary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
oh ok, how about a toadstool or a torch or zoos can they eat brine shrimp eggs?
Im nto sure about Brine shrimp eggs but I know Oyster eggs and Phyto plankton are the preferred coral foods as well as CYCLOPEEZE.

coral keeper

Active Member
ok, I want to get a few fish for my biocube and i all ready have 1 clown and i was thinking of getting 2 more fish and the fish are a yellow wachman gobi with a pistol shrimp and a six line wrass? will that be ok?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
ok, I want to get a few fish for my biocube and i all ready have 1 clown and i was thinking of getting 2 more fish and the fish are a yellow wachman gobi with a pistol shrimp and a six line wrass? will that be ok?
DEFINATELY NOT FOR YOUR 8G if thats what your talking about?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Yeah my 8 gall.
First of all Wrasses are open water swimmers, It would be torture for the poor fish to have him in an 8g, You are relly pushing your bioload with false percula, pistol shrimp and yellow watchman, leave it at that. Thats more than enough for your 8g. Some people here will even tell you thats way to much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
All right, thanks for the info. How big dos a wachman and a pistol grow?
I would say about 3-4" each in the wild.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Ok, can i feed a gorgonian with brine shrimp eggs? im thinking of getting one in 2 months.
GORGONIAN: GOOD Water flow, phytoplankton 1 time a week, replenishing of trace elements via water changes and medium light.. Im not sure about brine shrimp eggs.

coral keeper

Active Member
Hey MiaHeatLvr ill tell you everything i got in the biocube and can you tell me if this is too much? I have corals (toadstool, torch, 2 zoos, xenia, 2 heads of Metallic Green torch, sponge, and sea squirts) and inverts (hermits, snails, marble crab, green emerald crab, sea anemone, and 1 cleaner shrimp) and fish (1 clown fish).


Dropped the Purple Reef Lobster in my tank. It paused for perhaps 10 seconds, then went into the rocks, never to be seen again. About 3 weeks later, there in the open sand bed was a shell, thus the only pic I have of my Lobster (and not a very good one at that):


Active Member
Originally Posted by Coral Keeper
Hey MiaHeatLvr ill tell you everything i got in the biocube and can you tell me if this is too much? I have corals (toadstool, torch, 2 zoos, xenia, 2 heads of Metallic Green torch, sponge, and sea squirts) and inverts (hermits, snails, marble crab, green emerald crab, sea anemone, and 1 cleaner shrimp) and fish (1 clown fish).
Please tell me you added this stuff at a slow pace? I know you are eager but you cannot rush a S.W. aquarium as much as you would like to.. I feel you are maxed out, wait a dew days and do a water analysis and post results here, do not get anything else please till you see how this bioload is affectng your system. Keep an eye out in your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by doglvr
Dropped the Purple Reef Lobster in my tank. It paused for perhaps 10 seconds, then went into the rocks, never to be seen again. About 3 weeks later, there in the open sand bed was a shell, thus the only pic I have of my Lobster (and not a very good one at that):

Those are pretty hardy, assuming you aclimated him realy well and had good water conditions!. Sorry about your loss.