Post Your Money Saving Tips!


Let's see how many different money-saving tips we can all come up with. they can be tips for your fish tank, other hobbies, saving gas, anything!
i'll start with a few:
don't speed! i read that for every 5 mph over 60 that you drive, it's like paying 10 cents more per gallon! and really, speeding only gets you to your destination a few minutes quicker!
gas evaporates! make sure you screw your gas cap on tightly, and park your car in the shade whenever possible to prevent evaporation.
another interesting one: buy your gas at night. when the temp is cooler, the gas pumps are more efficient and you actually get more gas. or so i read.

shop around for better interest rates on savings accounts. i know my bank only pays .3 % in interest. there are banks online (that are FDIC insured) that pay up to 4.8% interest! emigrantdirect is one.
i like bankrate . com. you can compare interest rates on credit cards, loans, savings accounts, and all other kinds of stuff!
ok, now let's hear some more! i know there's a bunch of us on here in college, so saving money is really important to a bunch of us! lol. thanks in advance for any tips or advice!


here's another one i just realized that i do:
it seems like a bad habit, but it's not really. whenever i get change back from someplace, i throw it in the bottom of my purse! then when i clean out my purse i find all this money that i didn't even miss! i just did it, and i found $3.02. and that's after just a few weeks.
i know it seems silly, but every little bit helps!


I just have a big jar that I put all my loose change in. I seen a guy using one of those coin star things at that store. He had a folgers can full of change and he ended up having 270 something dollars minus whatever the charge is per dollar.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
I just have a big jar that I put all my loose change in. I seen a guy using one of those coin star things at that store. He had a folgers can full of change and he ended up having 270 something dollars minus whatever the charge is per dollar.
9 cents per dollar.
what a rip off.
go to commerce bank. they do it for free.


Oh I feel ya on that. I don't go to that stupid thing. I'd rather count it out and take it into the bank lol.


A friend gave me Quicken.
I used it to create a budget and I track all my expenses.
So, my money saving tip would be to create a realistic budget and stick to it.
Once you take the time to make a budget, you will be amazed at how much money gets "thrown away".
Of course, this only works if you can have self control and stick to your plan.


when u go out to eat instead of paying for dessert just say its the person with yous birthday and then split it. u get a free dessert!


I buy from the internet a HUGE roll of aquarium safe white filter fiber. I cut peices and sections as I need it for all of my tanks.
For example, this is how it saves me money. I have several Eheim 2028 canister filters that I run on my fresh water tanks. Rather than spending 7-10 dollars for a box of 3 square pads with the hole in it, I use the plastic grid in the filter as a template to lay on the filter foam roll and cut what I need from the plastic template. That saves bundles.
I also use it for my saltwater tanks in between the baffles in the sump. And I can yank it out and replace it with new any time I want. It helps keep the tank clean in between water changes by replacing the foam.
It must be aquarium safe - do not use the fiber fill found in craft stores, I would worry about chemicals in processing or loose peices leaching out into the tank. Not quite the same substance.
Also, the Eheim 2060 doesn't have available for sale a white media foam pad for the filter. Just don't sell them. I cut my own and put it in.
I bought a big box of it and I use it contstantly for all my filtration needs.


Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
here's the best tip for saving money.

Ah hahaha..... as soon as i saw the thread starter... i was going to say the same thing but you beat me to it! Good one
but i wouldn't give up the hobby despite the thousands that have already gone into it...and the thousands more getting ready to....


Someone could start a similar thread in the Reef section just for saltwater tips to saving money, I think it would be really nice to reference the newbe's to it.


Active Member
I never spend change. Something I have been doing since I was a kid and I have no idea how much I have but I guess it's good for a rainy day. I also use coupons, buy bulk, use digital thermostats with timers, buy off the internet, buy generic food items on some things, use generic diapers (for the kid not me
), ...


Active Member
when u go out to eat, order an appetizer or 2 instead of an entree - you get more choices and spend less!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
when u go out to eat, order an appetizer or 2 instead of an entree - you get more choices and spend less!
Don't go out to eat at all. It is even cheaper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Travis89
Don't go out to eat at all. It is even cheaper.

Being thrifty doesn't mean life has to suck


When we go out to eat, we order an appetizer then split a meal. Instead of ordering soda or tea, order water w/lemon and mix with sweet n low or splendra!! makes plain water taste good!!


Sweet n low and splenda will give you cancer. Possibly symptoms of ms and other neurological disorders.


I thought we could use the same thread for money saving tips for reef or saltwater keeping. It is an expensive hobby and any money saving ideas are great. :joy: