Post Your Rare Fish Pics

thanks piccasotrigger, at least you know what a rare fish is. I haven't seen any rare fish on this post except my titan. Does anyone on this board really have any rare fish? A Huma is rare? Never seen one at my lfs, ya right.


Active Member
thanks piccasotrigger, at least you know what a rare fish is. I haven't seen any rare fish on this post except my titan. Does anyone on this board really have any rare fish? A Huma is rare? Never seen one at my lfs, ya right.
Was the snobby comment necessary? People are just proud of their fish. And just because YOU can get all these fish in Moscow, ID doesn't mean they're not hard to get elsewhere. I've NEVER seen a Blueface Angel in my town--or a Leopard Shark--or a Jeweled Moray----or a Blonde Naso--or my Klunzinger Wrasse.
And no, I've never seen a Titan in my city, either--and YES, yours in awesome as I'm sure you know...but they are available online from the same site I ordered my Klunzinger for 109.00 if anyone is interested.


polarpooch, did u get that klunzinger wrasse? and, what are the best fish stores in madison because im visiting there and i want to buy fish for my sister (she lives there). she has an aggressive 180 gallon tank.


Active Member
northern_reefer, with that comment, you successfully made everyone here think you are an ass hole. Congratulations! Bo
Nice fish everyone.


Active Member
Barryi: Good fish stores in Madison? There are two worth checking out. Aquarium Superstore (best health--talk to Jonathan or Shawn, new fish shipments are Thursday) ...and Aquatic Specialties (best selection--talk to Lee, new fish shipments are Tuesday/Thursday). For eels, rays, sharks, and such, you'll have to special order or order online.
BTW, tell your sister that both stores WILL special order whatever she likes if they can get it. I personally like Aquarium Superstore the best because the guys there are cool and very honest, the fish are always healthy.
I got my Klunzinger Wrasse at You have to call to order. Info is on their webpage. Wasn't sure what to think of the site, but my fish arrived alive. However, that is before I checked out Why not send SWF an email first asking if they can get that fish--especially since they are one of the few stores cool enough to offer free shipping and a trusted guarantee on their stuff --and don't we all love that?
Why am I flagrantly sucking up to SWF? I don't know! They've sent me good stuff, though...and I really do appreciate all the help I've found on this board!!!


Active Member
Here is a not so good pic of my jeweled moray. Just traded him into the LFS. This guy was extremely aggressive, and would attack just about anything in the tank.


Active Member
Stacy T: I love that eel! It's beautiful. Too bad he was too aggressive for you to keep:( How long did you have him, and how big did he get? Did he make short order of any of your fish or was he in an eel-only tank?
Nice Powder Blue Tang, too. I wish I could get one, but I'm certain my Sohol would not approve!


Active Member
I only had the eel for about 7 months. He was around 14" in length, but he was pretty thick in girth. Basically any fish that he could catch became a snack. The final straw was when he attacked my porc puffer. He bit the puffer close to his tail, and put a little gash in him. He was a pretty eel, but I decided to go with something a little less aggressive, and I replaced him with a snowflake. He was a good eater. He ate anything that was on the end of the feeder stick. He also snapped a couple of feeding sticks in half!



Originally posted by polarpooch
Stacy T: I love that eel! It's beautiful. Too bad he was too aggressive for you to keep:( How long did you have him, and how big did he get? Did he make short order of any of your fish or was he in an eel-only tank?
Nice Powder Blue Tang, too. I wish I could get one, but I'm certain my Sohol would not approve!

i have the same eel...i've only ever had him with a lion...they get along great...the only incident happened during feed and they both went for the same piece, the eel obviously won and took a piece of the lions lip too...but it healed up within about a week and they still get along fine....(just have to feed both at opposite ends of the tank...
have though about adding a blue jaw trigger to the tank but haven't decided yet...
definately my favorite fish....


Active Member
It's such a strange and beautiful eel. I've never seen one around here. Then again, our various LFS don't typically stock eels.
(I had to special order my Tesselata). I don't trust my eels with my fish...and until I get them into their bigger tank this spring, I can't consider a lion. But I have thought of it once they're in their new home. Are lions tough to keep? I read differing opinons in various fish books. A friend has had lions, but has managed to kill everyone he's ever had. Then again, he's killed just about everything else in his tank, too!


Active Member
For a while I was trying to feed him 1st, but it still didn't seem to work to well. I even tried feeding at opposite ends of the tank, but the puffer, and eel would still get into their spouts. He was definatly a good eater. I would have kept him if it wasn't for the puffer incident.
I have thought about getting a blue jaw myself. From what I've read and heard they are very docile, and pretty fish. I think as long as you get a decent size blue jaw that you would be o.k.


New Member
Northern_reefer, I have a Titan as well, I thought all real trigga owners had one!!! LOL How big is yours? Did you get it from pets are people 2? They are great, the biggest and best store in the world!!! Ya right!!!! Here is a pic of my monster 20inch white tail!! I caught off the coast of florida in the carib. He bit off two of my fingers that

!!! Check him out, he is in with my 4.5 inch Niger trigger, they are both in a 75g bowfront. I don think he is to happy what do you think!