Post your ric Pics!


I know many of you, especially efishnsea, have some amazing rics. Lets see them!

Here are some of mine-



Active Member
Beautiful rics everyone! There one of my favorites. I sadly dont have any yet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by efishnsea
Nice rics everyone......Yea BBL9 Ricordea are one of my favorites, here are a few recent pics..
That is an awesome farm you have there!


Active Member
I am not trying to hijack, but with all of these awesome pics, the question begs to be answered. HOW?
I bought one frag of neon green with purple fringe yuma. I have had it for months maybe over 6 months and I don't think it has split at all. It might have two polpys now. It is beautiful and full of color. It is high in my tank, fairly high flow and I have 175w MH lighting, so it gets great light. Are they slow growers or is mine just stubborn?


Active Member
not really, I sometimes use purple up and I dose after every waterchange (twice a month) with Kent Marine essential elements


Active Member
Originally Posted by Benuski
Krazekajin I are you using additives?
Efishnsea what additives are you using and dosages?

NatuReef's Hardness and Alkalinity plus. Approx 60-90ml/day alk+, and 90-120ml/day hardness plus
. It varies as my coral load increases


Active Member
Kraze--If your flow is 'high' like you stated, I think that may be part of the problem. The ric's are too busy holding on tight!


Great pics everyone (I love the red one Bang Guy)! I only have one in my tank right now. It's about the size of a 50 cent piece.


Great rics everybody! ***) What lighting do you have your rics under? Mine's under nanocube dx pc lighting. Does strong light bring out thier colors?