post your shrimps


Active Member
Hey everyone, lets see some shrimps. Here is my new coral banded shrimp. What a mazing colors they have.



Nice looking cbs debbie. The colors are amazing...My cbs has the red and white band markings but yours has yellow and blue. Wonder if those colors signify their age or ---??? :thinking:

jonny bolt

I have an extremely large CBS lol. I bought him early last Spring, and it was pretty big then. Now it is just a monster, biggest one I have ever seen in real life. Unfortunately I dont have a good pics that do it justice, but here's a couple from a few months ago...

I need one of those nice Canon digi-cams lol.


Active Member
I would try and get a pic of mine...(He finally molted and grew back the missing pincher) but alas..I never see him..He stays in the back away from sight all you can see is his huge antena(sp)..Its prolly about 4 inches with 4 inch pincers...huge compared to others I have seen..


Active Member
Great pictures everyone.....

Thanks for the compliments Reefdivers....

If you look close at my CBS you will notice that one of the large claws is smaller than the other. It just went through a molt and it is so amazing how fast they grow back their claws. It had a claw missing when I bought it so they gave me money off, I knew that they grew back so I did not mind taking it. When you get a shrimp of any kind here for $7.00 CDN you grab it...

I do love the colors and was very surprised to see the blue and yellow. At first I only noticed the yellow on the shrimp but this blue is just amazing. I would like to know if it is to do with the --- of this shrimp too.
Keep them coming everyone.......