Post your stock list!


My 125
1 vlamingi small. shhhhhhh
2 yellow tang
3 tomini tang
4 true perc
5 majestic foxface
6 mandarin goby
Im heading to Iraq in august and will ACTUALLY order a 240 when i get back.
Just incase someone mentions the Vlamingi


New Member
This is what I am thinking about stocking in my 100 gal. I am just in the planning stages, and would like to know what you folks think...
1 6 Line Wrasse
1 Royal Gramma Basslet
2 Clowns
3 Cardinals
1 Coral banded shrimp
1 yellow Tang
Granted, this will be the final inhabitants-- I know it will take some time to stock up to this.
In a 100 gal, is this too few? Too many? My research tells me they should live happily together. Any experience to the contrary?


Active Member
Here is what's in my 240g.
Queen Angel
Blond Naso Tang
Yellow Tang
Aust Harlequin Tusk
Red Coris Wrasse
Snowflake Moray
Golden (Banana) Moray
Maroon Clownfish
1 Fiji Blue Devel Damsel
3 Azure Damsels
3 Yellow Belly Damsels
2 4 Stripe Humbug Damsels
CC Starfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by myerst22
Well unfortunately the guy who I was getting the Interruptus from totally flaked out. One of those too good to be true. Thought I had a chance to get one of my dream fish. Oh well so is life. Regards, Tim
If your still looking I know a place that claims to have some, PM me.


Active Member
Hi, here is wht is my 34g
Biclolor Belnny
Percula clownfish
Flame angalfish
sixline wrasse
cleaner shrimp
2 pepperment shrimp
hermit crabs
live rock


My 55:
Sixline Wrasse
Coral Beauty Angel
2 OC Clowns
Royal Gramma
Algae Blenny
2 Chromis
2 Cardinals
My 75:
Yellow Tang
Naso Tang
Maroon Clown
Yellow Tail Damsel
Flame Angel


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saltman23
My 55:
Sixline Wrasse
Coral Beauty Angel
2 OC Clowns
Royal Gramma
Algae Blenny
2 Chromis
2 Cardinals
My 75:
Yellow Tang
Naso Tang
Maroon Clown
Yellow Tail Damsel
Flame Angel
Watch out for the Tang Police


haha, I have been down that road before.
Naso and Yellow are in great condition and have been for over 5 monthes.


My 55g (being upgraded to a 125 soon)
1 Emporer Snapper
1 Porcupine Pufferfish
1 Javanese Damsel
1 Pinfish
1 Fimbriated Moray (Gymnothorax fimbriatus)
Enjoy your 220!
75 gallon
-6" Lion
-12" moray eel for a while
-Maroon clown
-Saddle back clwon
-Cleaner shrimp
-huge hermit crab
-Copperbanded butterfly
and they all live happily together :)