Power Compact Question


Is a 96 watt PC = 96 watts of VHO lighting?
Just wondering. I'm wanting to change the lighting on my 200
and thought that it would be cheaper to go with PC lighting.
I already have a reef started so the 200 would mainly be a comminuity (sp) tank but might want to add some corals
later on. I figured I could than add more PC lighting. I was looking at
two 96 watt PCs. I can get all that with the ballast (retro) for around 200.
My other option would be to start with two 6' VHO bulbs but this
would require a new hood and more $$
Thanks for any input!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PC lighting is in its own "class" the bulbs are generally U shaped, with the pins at only one end. They can have actinic on one leg of the U and 10k on the other leg. Sort of two bulbs in one. They aren't VHO at all. VHO is derived from normal flourescent tubes, whereas PC is semi-new technology.


The upside to PC's is less heat generated by the bulbs, compact in size (hence the name ;) ) I am currently using JBJ PC's. four 55 watt bulbs and its just not enough light for my 75gallon. I will have to supliment (when money permits) my lighting to be able to accomadate just med light corals and the like. I think the size of the bulbs makes them worth looking into. I cannot speculate on VHO's since i have never used em but i have read that they are a sound light source for your reef.


Active Member
I run 4 65w pc's on my 90 with MH's
PC's and VHO like said are different.
I like my PC's but never used VHO's


I thought I might add, PC bulbs SEEM to be slightly more expensive than equivalent wattage in VHO. PC bulbs are also more fragile than VHO tubes because of the U bend.

bang guy

To answer the original question. 96 watts of PC put out slightly more light than 110 watts of VHO.
I've used both. Ever coral I've had prefers the VHO phosphors for some reason even though PC is more intense.
Just my $0.02 worth.


Active Member
Hey bang.
I heard that they just came out with some true 03 actinics in pc form. I bought 2 of them today. Is this the bulb color you were comparing pc's and vho's?


Hmmm, I think my best bet, in the long run, would be to build
a new top and put in two 6' VHO's with the connections for
4 more and add them when money permits. I figure my startup
for the VHO's (I already have the ballast) would be around $100
with only two bulbs. That's 320watts to start with and then
as I add the other four would give me a total of 960 watts on a 200 gallon tank. I was thinking of getting either Actinic03 or Aquasun
bulbs as my first 2. then maybe the next 2 would be the bluer bulbs
like maybe some 12,000 or 20,000. The last 2 would then be
some 50/50. How does this all sound?
My only concern is trying to build a top that would match my stand.