prettiest clown?


Active Member
what do you guys think is the prettiest clown fish to get? and easy to take care of? Osolareous?
looking for opinions.


Active Member

Originally posted by RyeBread
One of the funniest little fish in the sea.

whats so funny about them? are they better fish , more fun than the oscelarous? and are you refering to the false perc? b/c i hear those are easier to take care of.


Active Member
I like the false percs (ocellaris) mostly for their funny personalities and for their color. They are funny because they are just so...wiggely and they just look so cute. But I think they are one of the more prettier clowns, The true percs are pretty too but I think the false have a better personality.


Active Member
I love the black and white perc!!! they have a different look with all the attitude and personality!!!


I like the pink skunks and the tomato clowns. I guess it depends on the body style that you like the most. Percs, false percs and maroons have the long skinny bodies. Clarkii's have the mid-sized bodies...long and thicker. Tomatos, skunks, cinnamon, etc have the thicker bodies. I haven't met a clownfish that I haven't loved yet, so I think it's just a matter of which kind you encounter live first :D


If you plan on only getting one i would get a gold striped maroon. When i first bought mine my mom stared at it for hours. They are easy to take care of. I have false percs in my other tank and the two fish act exactly the same.

bang guy


Originally posted by slothy
BANG what kinda camera are you using ?

A Kodak DC290 made right here in Western NY.


Active Member
I have always liked the gold and maroon clowns, but I just got a pair of pink skunks today and I think they are beautiful , I also have a pair of clarkii's in one of my other tanks. Lisa


Active Member
Not sure if they are the prettiest, but I, like BLUEBERRYBOOMER mentioned, keep a Clarkii as well.
I'm sure my opinion is biased.