Pretty sure my Cataline Gobies have spawned!!


One of my gobies is hiding out in an old turbo shell and another is perched on top of it. When I try to look inside there appears to be eggs . I have never tried to raise fish fry before and I'm pretty sure I don't want to because I don't really want to deal with rotifers and such. But if I do decided to try and raise babies at one point, anyone have any ideas how to do it? Has anyone raised Catalina's in captivity?


Originally Posted by bender77 http:///t/392387/pretty-sure-my-cataline-gobies-have-spawned#post_3483760
One of my gobies is hiding out in an old turbo shell and another is perched on top of it. When I try to look inside there appears to be eggs . I have never tried to raise fish fry before and I'm pretty sure I don't want to because I don't really want to deal with rotifers and such. But if I do decided to try and raise babies at one point, anyone have any ideas how to do it? Has anyone raised Catalina's in captivity?
Wow That's awesome! Never heard of gobies spawning in captivity! I really don't know much about breeding fish espceially gobies so get some expert help quick!


My sea horse tank is full of catalina babies! I wish I knew if I could raise them. I guess today they will just be filter food :/


Moderator you could save some.....I remember when my green banded gobies did that....It was both exciting and sad...know what I mean


From the limited searching I've done, it doesn't look like anyone has raised catalina's in captivity, they have spawned them but not raises them. The babies may eat stuff smaller than rotifers. That would be hard.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bender77 http:///t/392387/pretty-sure-my-cataline-gobies-have-spawned#post_3486642
From the limited searching I've done, it doesn't look like anyone has raised catalina's in captivity, they have spawned them but not raises them. The babies may eat stuff smaller than rotifers. That would be hard.
Bummer...I paid $27.00 for my catalina goby, so thats some expensive filter food. I thought I could have only one??? Are you saying I can add many if the answer is yes, for a 90g tank with potbelly horses?


Well-Known Member
Never say ever...I marked in read the section that I thought would help you.

Catalina Gobies spawning? 2/6/07
Hey Crew! <Darby> A week or so ago y'all schooled me on my tank ( a NanoCube 24). Since that time, I have found a new home for a Lawnmower Blenny, reduced the number of snails and hermit crabs (given away, not "force evolved"),< Interesting term> and I have stabilized my water temp at 74*F. It is currently so low due to the trio of Catalina Gobies, for whom I am searching for a new home. Despite the low water temp, my polyps and shrooms are doing well, as well as my Potters Angel (who refuses all food except for green sheet algae placed in a very particular spot, which he devours like it is going out of style). <You are fortunate> This morning, I noticed that a pair of the Catalinas were guarding a hole in the side of a rock, even going after the Potters when he came near. Inside the hole I can see some peachish colored spheres, which I take to be eggs. To me, however, they look to be too large to have come from such a little fish. <Mmm, do "swell up" over time> I was thinking about setting up a 10gal cold water tank for the Catalinas, but fear that may now be out of the question. I've been able to find very little on the breeding of Catalinas, and would appreciate any finger pointing, directions, advice, or general ramblings that may aid these little guys and what I hope will be their brood. Darby <I would be getting on down to a large (college) library re culture of food organisms for Lythrypnus dali young... and leaving all the fishes in place for now. Bob Fenner> Re: Catalina Gobies spawning? 2/6/07
Thank you for your reply Bob. Right now I'm sure wishing that I was living back in San Diego again, as I'm betting the libraries there would have some great stuff (as well as taping into Scripps and the Birch). <The Birch/SIO library is an absolute treasure... and vastly underutilized... Ssssshhhh> This morning I notice that almost half of the eggs have gone missing. I know that my Peppermint shrimp was out cruising last night, and also a couple of hermit crabs, and that the Catalinas had bedded down in a cleft nearby. Could the shrimp and crabs have eaten some of the eggs? <Oh yes...> Thanks again, Darby< BobF>
A little good news'¦ Keeping the Catalinas Cool! 3/21/07
Hey there, <Hi there!> As I have plagued you Crew with questions and concerns, I just thought that I'd pass along a little good news! <Yay! Good news! Whoohoo!> I had some Catalinas that hatched a clutch of eggs in a warm tank. < Yes, I remember.> Only 2 fry survived the ravages of community tank life (dang Peppermint Shrimp and Damsel!) before I could get them out. <Yes, I remember this too.> I was able to give them to a buddy who has a much cooler tank, and the two fry are now living it up in splendid luxury coolness. < YAY!!! Responsible reef keeping... or not keeping!> They even have buddies, as his Garibaldi has spawned, and about a dozen fry have made it. <Sweet!> (No idea how he came by the Garibaldi by the way, as Texas a long way from our old San Diego stomping grounds. <I saw one this weekend at a LFS in Pennsylvania.> Aren't they still protected? <Mmm, don't know... RMF?> He also has a small Sheepshead, but don' t tell anyone! <His secret's safe with me... I can't speak for the other 20,000 or so users we have per day!> Anyways, the Catalina fry are doing superb, and growing quickly. <Excellent!> Someday soon they'll make their way to his "So Cal" display tank, and there will be much rejoicing. <*twirls finger in the air* yaaay. -Mich> Darby


That's cool Flower. Maybe I'll do some research of raising goby fry, so see if I guy I know that has raised neon gobys before would be interested the next time I notice the babies. I don't know how long it takes for the eggs to hatch.
BTW, I have 3 in my 37 gallon. I have lots of rocks for them to hide in. I keep the temp at 69 which is upwards of their natural range


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bender77 http:///t/392387/pretty-sure-my-cataline-gobies-have-spawned#post_3486679
That's cool Flower. Maybe I'll do some research of raising goby fry, so see if I guy I know that has raised neon gobys before would be interested the next time I notice the babies. I don't know how long it takes for the eggs to hatch.
BTW, I have 3 in my 37 gallon. I have lots of rocks for them to hide in. I keep the temp at 69 which is upwards of their natural range
I just added a catalina the other day and it's just starting to come out. It's such bright redish orange it can be seen...I was afraid a tiny fish would be lost in the 90g but it doesn't. I will plan on adding a few more then. My tank stays from 64 to 66 degrees, so they should be very happy.


I was just looking, it looks like my female? May have eggs again. I hope they keep on spawning. I knocked the shell over today that she lays her eggs is by accident when I was cleaning. That's probably what made the eggs hatch. If I can figure something out, I can take the shell out at some point and try to raise them.
I'm pretty sure that they are the type of gobies that if you have 2 one will turn into a male and one a female. They will change sex if needed.
"One of the most interesting aspects of the Catalina Goby is its reproductive behavior. Though each Catalina Goby has the reproductive tissues of both genders, an individual can only display one behavioral gender at any given time. If a Catalina Goby finds itself unsuccessful as one gender, it can switch to the other. Behavioral males are normally larger and have a longer dorsal fin with black tips on the longest dorsal fin rays. When ready to breed, a behavioral male chooses a cave in which to care for his brood. He lures the female inside, where she will attach her eggs to the walls of the cave. He will care for the eggs there until they hatch. " -


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bender77 http:///t/392387/pretty-sure-my-cataline-gobies-have-spawned#post_3486689
I was just looking, it looks like my female? May have eggs again. I hope they keep on spawning. I knocked the shell over today that she lays her eggs is by accident when I was cleaning. That's probably what made the eggs hatch. If I can figure something out, I can take the shell out at some point and try to raise them.
I'm pretty sure that they are the type of gobies that if you have 2 one will turn into a male and one a female. They will change sex if needed.
"One of the most interesting aspects of the Catalina Goby is its reproductive behavior. Though each Catalina Goby has the reproductive tissues of both genders, an individual can only display one behavioral gender at any given time. If a Catalina Goby finds itself unsuccessful as one gender, it can switch to the other. Behavioral males are normally larger and have a longer dorsal fin with black tips on the longest dorsal fin rays. When ready to breed, a behavioral male chooses a cave in which to care for his brood. He lures the female inside, where she will attach her eggs to the walls of the cave. He will care for the eggs there until they hatch. " -
Wow...should I add three so two can pair off or add only one and let it meet the other? I don't want a goby war, they cost too much.


Ever hear three's a crowd....LOL......I originally got 3 green banded did not make it :( I can only guess the others had something to do with it...


Well the only reason I ended up with 3 is due to the LFS guilting me into it LOL They had gotten 3 in a shipment and I was only going to take 2 but that begged me to take the 3rd so someone wouldn't sentence it to death in their reef tank and I couldn't just leave 1. So I did. My mated pair seems to stay in 1 corner of the tank and the other 1 in another corner. I haven't noticed too much fighting, but who know what may happen one day. It may have helped I add them at one time and they came together. I don't know