I am new at saltwater fishkeeping and I would like to see some different kinds of fish, so what are THE PRETTYIST FISH in your tanks. (pics please):joy:
Thanx for the compliment Irenicus. And as for YOU gasguzzler, I told you guys time and time again...They get along fine. They are very happy together, and when I need to I will buy a bigger tank, or take one back to the LFS for credit!!!!!
And just in case you don't know what we are talking about benr...
Originally posted by Tizzo
Thanx for the compliment Irenicus. And as for YOU gasguzzler, I told you guys time and time again...They get along fine. They are very happy together, and when I need to I will buy a bigger tank, or take one back to the LFS for credit!!!!!
And just in case you don't know what we are talking about benr...
Hey tizzo I would start feeding the shark nori so he won't out grow your tank to fast, if he doesn't like it try formula 2 flakes. lol
and nice pics everbody!!!......