preventing ich idea that i have


Active Member
Ok... so i had ich.... i then took all my live rock and inverts out and are in pals....
i only lost one fish which was my sailfin... he had ick one day and died!!!! the fish left are all doing great...
This is the idea... since they are all in hypo salinty right now, i'll add all the reamianing fish that i would like to have in my tank... which is my sailfin and one angel.
then after a few weeks when i know the ick is dead, i will add all my Lr and inverts back?
isn't this a good idea? idk... i think this should be done b4 everything else


Staff member
Add the fish you want in to hyposalinity conditions?
Any idea that involves adding more animals when you already have sick animals is a bad idea.


Active Member
I would alos like that add another reason why that might be bad, without all the LR your biofiltering ability will be severly hurt and then if you add two more fish you will increase your bio load. I would think you would find youself having problems with ammonia and nitrite.....


dont add till your done take20 days min patiance goes along way learn from my valubale mistakes goodluck


Active Member
hmmm... well. w/ weekley water changes it should work.. plus, i'll wait till all the ich is gone... its only two more small fish!


Buy some scarlet shrimps. Not only do they eat ich, but they clean the dead skin of your fish. That in turn keeps them happy. I have never had an outbreak of ich since I bought 3 scarlets. I constantly see my fish lined up trying to get their turn. My puffer hates the shrimps. Never argues when one comes over to clean him. After he figured out what it was doing...HE WAITS IN LINE!! lol!!


Active Member
do you have a link to a scarlet shrimp? do u mean cleaner shrimp? is it the same thing?

sinner's girl

This is the idea... since they are all in hypo salinty right now, i'll add all the reamianing fish that i would like to have in my tank... which is my sailfin and one angel.
NO, bad idea. Finish the hypo, then put the fish you want to add in qt for two weeks. But you really shouldn't add new fish in the middle of hypo. One, the ich might not be gone, but two, the lower sg will stress the fish, you slowly lower your sg for hypo and bring it back up, if you just acclimate a new fish to hypo sg, would that majorly stress out the new fish?


Active Member
well the reason i was thinking that is because all the lfs around here keep there salt very low! so i figured why not


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
well the reason i was thinking that is because all the lfs around here keep there salt very low! so i figured why not

sound like you have already made up you mind?? so why ask? i agree with all of the above. ssomtimes we dont always get the aswers we are looking for sorry


Active Member
well, just wanted to see what everyone thought... but i'll give it a go... if all the ick is gone, and i wait while the new guys are in..... idk... i'll post back and give the results......


I have a 11 gallon tall that is filled with tons of macro algae, two cleaner shrimp and a uv sterilizer. Although I dont think that uv sterilizers are that effective, when you have one on an 11 gallon, it can cycle the tank water about 20 times a day even when you run the water flow at a trickle. I dont use any other treatments. I have cured two ick fishes this way so far with zero deaths. I just set this up a few months ago so it really hasnt been tested enough.


THANK YOU!!! I have been reamed by a couple about my scarlet cleaners. I swear by them. Been 1 mo shy of 3 yrs & no ich!!! They say I am giving wrong info to the newbies!!! My phrase to the is "It's not a miracle. I know it happens & the people are not sharing their experiences"!!!! Yes! Add one more to the cult of cleaners!!!

How do we recruit more!!! Need to spead the word!!!
:cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
Grr... you were not "Reamed" for recommending cleaner shrimp (by me). You were corrected for saying that adding new livestock to a sick tank was the best way to go.
You were also corrected for incorrectly telling how to use Hypo treatment, for stating that you should LOWER your tank temp (instead of raising it), and for saying that the life ccyle of ICH is a week....
I have 2 cleaner shrimp in my tank. They are a nice addition. They HELP keep fish healthy. Nothing more or less.


Originally Posted by drea
do you have a link to a scarlet shrimp? do u mean cleaner shrimp? is it the same thing?
They are scarlet cleaner shrimp. Too many lfs claim peppermint shrimp can be used for the same function...Not always true. Scarlets are the only true cleaner shrimps in my book. I have had a high success rate. 3 yrs & counting!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Grr... you were not "Reamed" for recommending cleaner shrimp (by me). You were corrected for saying that adding new livestock to a sick tank was the best way to go.
You were also corrected for incorrectly telling how to use Hypo treatment, for stating that you should LOWER your tank temp (instead of raising it), and for saying that the life ccyle of ICH is a week....
I have 2 cleaner shrimp in my tank. They are a nice addition. They HELP keep fish healthy. Nothing more or less.
Well if he doesn't have the shrimp, pointless for me to advise him to place his new fish in the tank!?! Ya think? I want to eliminate ich not possibly spead it when I know for a fact he has no shrimp!
I only claim scarlet cleaner to fame. Many people put too many shrimp in that categorie. Like peppermint shrimp....


I do not believe that cleaner shrimp can cure ick in a tank but they can help keep it in check, especially when working with a uv sterilizer that is WAY TO BIG for the tank and excellent water conditions.


Active Member
Umm here’s a novel idea…use a QT tank for all new fish. I’ve never had an issue with Ick or any other type of parasite. It’s such a simple way to keep your tank healthy and it amazes me that some people don’t use them.
Oh, the idea of the above poster to add new fish with sick fish is terrible and not very well thought out.


Well, I know it's not a "miracle"! Only way to explain my success are scarlets. They clean all day, every day. I have an algae issue because my puffer likes to crush shells. Not necessarily eat the occupants of the shell. My levels are in check & I keep my temp at 78. I have aquired fish from numerous sources. I am not a lucky person. If it can happen...It happens to me!! So it's not luck. Never had it, never will... OTHERWISE I would be winning the stinking lottery!!! We can argue I buy sturdy fish that are immuned to ich...Oh yeah, not possible either...Again only explaination is the scarlets. Any one can explain my success for not using my qt and the healthiest fish?? I only feed them & clean the tank. No chemicals. No vitamins & never used the stress coat....Anyone?? Oh, never bought th uv lights. Don't believe they work. Great gimmick though!! I wish I was smart enough to design a product that no one can prove it works or not. Like the air purifier. Just open & wipe the metal rod clean. ??????No one can prove it either!!
Sorry for the sarcasim. But sometimes it helps to get the point across.