Price Estimates???


I'm looking to purchase a 55g and I was wondering could someone tell me how much I'm looking to put into this thing, just to get it running. You know filter, powerhead, and all the other stuff. Could you please list what I'll need, and the price next to it. (Oh, is a yellow tang able to live in a 55g?) ~*Thanks so much, love ya*~


Active Member
a yellow can live in a 55 but its not recommended at al. you will have to eventually upgrade if you do put one in there


does anyone have a price estimate about how much this stuff will cost? Oh, what is RO water? How much does it cost, and where is it sold? ~*thanks so much, love ya*~


Active Member
would you please stop saying, ~*thanks so much, love ya*~ after every post? its very annoying anyways, RO water usually costs about 50 cents pr gallon. it is water that has been through reverse osmosis and all the metals and stuff have been removed. i bought a complete setup for 600 used


so sorry for the annoyance, won't happen again. but thanks for your input on the information i requested it has helped me quite a bit.


Active Member
Im sorry JacknJill but why is that anoying?? Shes just expressing herself, not like shes being rude. todd


Active Member
im sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry, its just been annoying me, i dont know why. carry on saying it lol. its like when people type in all capslock. lol


Active Member
thank you lol. anyways, i have a yellow tang in my 55 and he seems fine and healthy. ive had him for over a year. many people may disagree but i think it would be ok if you have good water quality and the tank isnt over crowded


would this be over crowding the tank; (1) royal gramma (2) percula clowns (1) Bartlett Anthia (1) yellow tang and maybe (1) orange linkia star (will this live in a 55g?) Then a cleaning crew of; strawberry crab, zebra crab, cleaner clam, cleaner shrimp, mexican turbo snail.


Active Member
i think that would be ok, but i dont know about the barlett anthia. linkia, that may work but they generally need larger, mature tanks with lots of rock and dont really do taht well in captivity. zebra crabs are mean so id get scarlett hermits instead. dont know about the strawberry crab, ive never had one


Active Member
make sure to add the tang last as they can get aggressive when new fish are introduced. in my 55 i have a yellow tang, a pair of tomato clowns, and im getting some other fish soon.


Active Member
Nicely played JacknJill. I was hoping you didnt take what i said wrong. And Southcoral you fish list looks really nice, i think i would ad the linkia if you decide to add it, but as Jack said it might be too small a tank, last along with the Tang, Best of luck to ya Todd


well, what i had planned on doing was to cycle the tank (without the dead shrimp...ew) then wait til levels are fine and add the royal gramma and the cleaning crew, wait a few months and add the percs, then after my tank has matured add the tang, then add the seastar. I might add a few corals afterwards too.


Active Member
sounds good, but do you have any live rock? if not then youll need something to start the cycle. and what kind of lights do you have/ are planning to get because with corals, they need strong er lighting