Originally posted by southcoral
I'm looking to purchase a 55g and I was wondering could someone tell me how much I'm looking to put into this thing, just to get it running. You know filter, powerhead, and all the other stuff. Could you please list what I'll need, and the price next to it. (Oh, is a yellow tang able to live in a 55g?) ~*Thanks so much, love ya*~
...Prices are estimates...
sand-$30 (30lb bag)
heater $30 (200-250watt)
liverock ($150 for 45-50lbs, somewhere around there)
powerheads (at least 3 20x3=$60)
skimmer (good one $150)
filter $20?, I would only use it to run carbon, but thats me.
If you want a sump,you'll need to add more for pluming and return powerhead or one of those ready made sump/skimmers.
salt- $20-$30 to start
RO water (varies, I'd suggest setting up one on your faucet -$150. If not, wally world water, whats it; 30 cents a gallon?)
lights --basic setup, about $200 for PC, halides more.
test kits-hydrometer (I'd get a refractometer) $100
Around $1000, if you purchase from LFS add 20%, this is a conservative estimate IMO.
Yes, you can keep a yellow tang in a 55 but you must be mindful not to cram it will a bunch of other fish, also it need room to swim (They love going in and out of rockwork). Plus, you'll need a good skimmer, algae eaters are serious poopers.