Price Estimates???


Active Member
That sounds graet Southcoral, whta part of the south are you from??? Just wondering, you dont have to tell if you dont want to. Best of luck and keep us up on your progress. Todd


i plan on buying live rock and live sand for the cycle. And right now i haven't bought the tank yet, so it'll prolly just have florescent lighting but will look into the lighting later, it'll prolly be a year from now when i buy the coral for the tank. So it'll be pretty boring for a while.


Active Member
I go to arkansas all the time we go campin down there.
Also on the lights I can tell you I had Flourecent and the flourecent 50/50 and the 50/50 looks 10x better than the regular ones but mine cost me $50 for 2 18" bulbs I am going to upgrade to MH later down the road no need to right now and plus I wont have the money till then anyway so it came out good lol :D


What's 50/50? What is the type of lighting for corals? Can you buy the strongest and it be ok for all of them? What is that blue lighting i've seen on people's tank, is that something you'll need for coral too?


Active Member
50/50 has 6500k actinic and 10000k daylight all in one bulb. The blue bulbs you see are either pc actinics the 03 kind or moonlights. The best you can buy is MH they will reach deep in your wallet and take alot with them "there kinda pricy" and yes you can keep fish and corals under them and be fine. Your other options are VHO, HO or PC "Very High Output, High Output or Power Compact" They are cheaper but you cant keep sps with them. I am planning on buying a double 175 or double 250 setup and then buying a diy moonlight kit. "moon lights will calm the fish at night and will cause some fish and corals to spawn"


Active Member
Way to go Snipe!!! Hey if you ever go camping down here in southern oklahoma let me know, we love to camp!!! Todd



Originally posted by southcoral
I'm looking to purchase a 55g and I was wondering could someone tell me how much I'm looking to put into this thing, just to get it running. You know filter, powerhead, and all the other stuff. Could you please list what I'll need, and the price next to it. (Oh, is a yellow tang able to live in a 55g?) ~*Thanks so much, love ya*~

...Prices are estimates...
sand-$30 (30lb bag)
heater $30 (200-250watt)
liverock ($150 for 45-50lbs, somewhere around there)
powerheads (at least 3 20x3=$60)
skimmer (good one $150)
filter $20?, I would only use it to run carbon, but thats me.
If you want a sump,you'll need to add more for pluming and return powerhead or one of those ready made sump/skimmers.
salt- $20-$30 to start
RO water (varies, I'd suggest setting up one on your faucet -$150. If not, wally world water, whats it; 30 cents a gallon?)
lights --basic setup, about $200 for PC, halides more.
test kits-hydrometer (I'd get a refractometer) $100
Around $1000, if you purchase from LFS add 20%, this is a conservative estimate IMO.
Yes, you can keep a yellow tang in a 55 but you must be mindful not to cram it will a bunch of other fish, also it need room to swim (They love going in and out of rockwork). Plus, you'll need a good skimmer, algae eaters are serious poopers.


what is a protein skimmer? And right now, i'm on a budget, so what are some abosolute must i need, i can buy the rest later. I plan on taking it very very slowly as to conserv money. I have a PUR filter, what does this do? and, can you add chemicals to the tap water and it turn out normal. I mean, i will buy the ro water if i need to, just wondering


New Member
$20 for a filter? I don't think so. If it is for a 55 gal tank. I have an Aquaclear70 in my 44 gallon and you can get that for $22.99 at The Potein Skimmer for the Seaclone100 is $58.99 at and lighting I actually got at a local fish store that had 50% off sale, and an extra 10% off for the first 20 people that day. Now alot of the dot com places want you to pay for shipping, but one of my petsmart stores in this city will match dot com prices if you print it out and bring it in to them. Or one of the best ways is to buy everything used.



Originally posted by southcoral
what is a protein skimmer? And right now, i'm on a budget, so what are some abosolute must i need, i can buy the rest later. I plan on taking it very very slowly as to conserv money. I have a PUR filter, what does this do? and, can you add chemicals to the tap water and it turn out normal. I mean, i will buy the ro water if i need to, just wondering

Protein skimmers extract wastes from the water before they completely break down, they use air bubbles to seperate the solids from the water. Most will tell you that you definitely need one.
Is that a Pur water filter? It uses just carbon (its better than tap but not quite RO). An RO will remove many chemicals besides just clorine. If your starting a reef or fish only as far as I'm concerned water quality is #1. I would go with nothing less than RO, it will save a lot of headaches in the long run. You can get the water from most supermarkets, its just transporting large amounts that can be a problem. Ten 5 gallon jugs= 50 gallons, thats a lot of water to move.


ha ha, yea i was thinking about that, coming out with 55 gallons of water...ha ha, i'll just say "i'm really thirsty" oh yea. I guess i should probably buy a few gallons at the time. How do you know if it is RO water? Does it say it? Because I'm sorry, but some of the people at supermarkets just don't have a clue. Right now I'm thinking that my prices will be about $140 for live rock, reg. sand, and RO water, that's with a lot of diy methods in there. (kinda knocks the breath outta ya when you find the prices doesn't it?):happyfish


Active Member
South can often find used set-ups on ---- or in the local newspaper. You can save money and also have the lighting you need.
I disagree that it is okay to keep a yellow tang in a 55. Maybe a very small one for a year or so...but even the small ones can get stressed form lack of swimming room. Tangs like to be able to dart about freely.
A yellow tang may survive for a short time in a 55 but cannot live in a 55 for long. JMO


Active Member
If your buying on a budget just buy your live rock last "you can buy your live sand when you want it can live more months in the bag" Just slowy get what you need then get your live rock last.


I was looking up dimensions for the 75g and the 55g, and they are the same length, but just different widths (bout 5in). Wouldn't that give them basically the same swimming room? But i had planned on keeping a small one in there til it got bigger and trading it out, the LFS has a 100g for the larger tangs that are traded in.
I've been looking at ----, and some of them are pretty good deals, but local pick ups i can't drive across country just to pick up the tank. My dad and I are going to build the stand, and the pine will cost about $27, and the hardware won't be that much, so I should be able to build it under $40. I think I will check ads and stuff for used tanks, filters, powerheads, etc. As long as it's not in bad shape, i won't mind.


Active Member
You have to search weekly on ---- for one near by. It took me about 2 years but I finally found what I wanted in Phoenix (180 miles form whre I live) but I saved about 1500 bucks . The roundtrip drive was worth it in my opinion.


haha. You think walking out with 55 gallons is bad. Im getting my 125 soon, plus a 45 gal sump / fuge. Thats 3 times as much as yours. Now imagine walking out with that much water. I dont plan to get all of it at once, cuz that would take me like 20 trips to the store in one day. I say start getting water now and you will eventually have enough.