Problem Please Help

Well since everyone is say it is fine, I want to eventually get a anemone. What kind of lighting will I need, will I need the blue and white? Or just the white or what. Its for a 10 gallon tank, and I know you need certain amount of watts per gallon. And what kind of anemone will be a good choice for a false percula fish? Thank you


It's not watts per gallon's the intensity...Metal halide are best, but in a 10g you can probably get away with a good set of T5HO....I think a bubble tip would be good, but I am not so sure about putting an anemone in a 10g....
maybe someone who knows more about anemones and smaller tanks will tell you
BTW I have a large bubbe tip, and 2 clowns...they don't go near is not a guarantee that your clown will host an anemone.....some clown host frogspawn, some host host freakin filter return pipes