Problem with Nemo and Dori

tx reef

Active Member

Originally Posted by xDave
I shouldnt start a thread because someone else will later?
I personally dont care what you call your fish, if I know what it is I'll help.
Just to get you guys off trying to figure out what I'm thinking and restate the issue:
Warning: If you refer to your fish as Nemo or Dori, some people will not help you. This message may not reflect the practices of the author and may be stated in a fanciful manner to evoke the truth.

And it's not because someone else will start a thread like this (even though someone else will), it's the fact that many before you have posted the same tired old crap.
Look up some old posts and you will see what I mean. You have not been here very long (I haven't either) so you may not have seen other posts like this. You are
about this like it is a new idea or something.


Active Member
If this board never gets another new member, we'll never have to mention it again.
BTW, The first thing I did when i joined this board was read at least 5 pages of posts per section.


Who cares its not like clownfish is a scientific name neither. Everyone knows what they're meaning by saying "nemo".

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by TX Reef
A much better way to do this and not, IN MY OPINION, "sound" like you are annoyed or complaining is to solicit a mod to post a sticky at the top of the forum with a list of things to include in a post when asking a question.
Such as....
If your post is about a dead or dying fish or other abnormal occurrences, then be sure to include..water parameters (Amm., Nitrite, Nitrate, Ph, Temp., Specific Gravity/Salinity, etc.......
This would be much more effective than someone posting threads like the ones you have been posting. Next week, someone else will start another thread just like this one.
Just my opinion.



Active Member
Members cant make a thread sticky, next week there will be a hundred new members that havent seen those threads.

clown boy

Active Member
I noticed that there are a lot of wrong things in that movie. For example, the Dentist never acclimated Nemo. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
i wonder how many clownfish have been thrown into a 1g fish bowl with table salt in it b/c of nemo and dori...?

I have often wondered the same thing.


i just felt like changing the subject...i dont think it really matters either...its like naming your dog...your not gonna say when friends come over...check out my german shepard...its ovbious, you say...check out snoopy, or some other dog name, or something...its different if someone says..i want to get whatever that fish nemo is and that blue dori one


Originally Posted by Clown Boy
I noticed that there are a lot of wrong things in that movie. For example, the Dentist never acclimated Nemo. :thinking:

ya. ive noticed that too its funny


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tangy-Tang
Wow, so much irritation over nothing. Whats wrong with calling a clown fish Nemo? LOL.
yea, no kidding :notsure: :thinking:

tx reef

Active Member

Originally Posted by xDave
Members cant make a thread sticky, next week there will be a hundred new members that havent seen those threads.
I'll try this again.....
A much better way to do this and not, IN MY OPINION, "sound" like you are annoyed or complaining is to solicit a mod to post a sticky at the top of the forum
with a list of things to include in a post when asking a question.
Such as....
If your post is about a dead or dying fish or other abnormal occurrences, then be sure to include..water parameters (Amm., Nitrite, Nitrate, Ph, Temp., Specific Gravity/Salinity, etc.......


I am a mod on a MB that is WAY off topic to this one. Sticky's are junk unless they contain general USEFUL information that ALL members of any skill level can get the same amount of benefit by reading. We can all agree that specific parameters need to be known before anyone can help a newbie that posts a question without giving even a single detail other than "Why did my fish die? It was so pretty."
The reality is that newbies are the last people that will ever read a sticky first before posting a question. It is up to veterans to decide if they want to pursue a newbie's inquiry enough to ask THEM the right questions to help them find a solution. There is nothing that forces anyone to help anyone else with anything. If a vague question from anyone bothers you, don't reply and try to forget that you even read it in the first place.
IF you truly feel like you want to help the hobby grow, I can't imagine why you wouldn't be more than willing to answer the exact same question from 10 different people in a single week. Sure it gets old. Just post a link to where the question was asked before if your fingers are too tired.
And BTW- "alot" isn't a word. It's two words "a lot". That isn't directed at anyone in particular. I'm sure I've seen it at least 3 times in this thread and why should I miss an opportunity to point out someone's shortcomings when that seems to be the point of this thread?

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by djm
I am a mod on a MB that is WAY off topic to this one. Sticky's are junk unless they contain general USEFUL information that ALL members of any skill level can get the same amount of benefit by reading. We can all agree that specific parameters need to be known before anyone can help a newbie that posts a question without giving even a single detail other than "Why did my fish die? It was so pretty."
The reality is that newbies are the last people that will ever read a sticky first before posting a question. It is up to veterans to decide if they want to pursue a newbie's inquiry enough to ask THEM the right questions to help them find a solution. There is nothing that forces anyone to help anyone else with anything. If a vague question from anyone bothers you, don't reply and try to forget that you even read it in the first place.
IF you truly feel like you want to help the hobby grow, I can't imagine why you wouldn't be more than willing to answer the exact same question from 10 different people in a single week. Sure it gets old. Just post a link to where the question was asked before if your fingers are too tired.
And BTW- "alot" isn't a word. It's two words "a lot". That isn't directed at anyone in particular. I'm sure I've seen it at least 3 times in this thread and why should I miss an opportunity to point out someone's shortcomings when that seems to be the point of this thread?

Very true.


this has gotten out of hand... some people don't mind when you refer to clowns as nemo, some do. Some people think that you won't be answered if you call your fish nemo, some do. can we just agree to disagree and MOVE ON???


Originally Posted by xDave
I really only meant this as a "be advised" kinda thing. Although I'll admit it does kinda rub me the wrong way, I've had kids and even a grandkid so I get over it to help, but I don't think people are aware that others might not even read their posts.
I realise that people name their pets, but I wouldn't go on a bird board and say my Tweety Bird won't eat. Why don't you just say "Nemo, my tank bred Percula,...". We don't know if Nemo is a Perc, Occalaris, wild, or, tank raised, tank bred, or just some fish that a 4 year old thought was one?
At this point although I have 25 years marine keeping experience, 7.5 years in an industrial setting where I was expected identify and care for at least 1000 species, I can't help you with your Dori 'cuz I don't know what it is.
XDave I am soooo surprised, you don't know what kind of fish Dori was? Did you see the movie? Surely in your 25 years and 1000 species life you have seen a Blue Hippo Tang, haven't you?
THE POINT-Are they communicating? Do you know what "kind" of fish they are referring to? Then why so much bickering about such a small thing in life?