Problem with starfish


In my 240g fowlr I'm having issues with my starfish being shredded apart. Had 2 brittle and 2 serpent starfish and so far I found one of the serpent with all of it's legs removed and today I found one of the brittles with legs all over the tank. Not sure what is causing this as they've been in there for 6 months and this has just started happening. Also 2 of my cleaner clams have been opened and eaten.
Fish in tank are, 2 yellow tangs, 1 blue hippo, 1 marroon clown, 1 Bariene Tang ,,, , kjdkjldfkljadsk;lfkjldsfk fd,
and 1 bumble bee goby. Also have a couple pepermint shrimp and 1 coral branded shrimp and numerous hermit crabs
Anyone have any idea who the culprit could be?


Cleaner clams don't last long in our tanks....6 months maybe, and when they die, they resurface opened cuc should take care of them before you even notice
What's with the miscellaneous letters????
How big is the CBS? Some are VERY mean.......brittle and bristles are usually very tolerant....Have you lost any shrimp?


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/381095/problem-with-starfish#post_3318031
Cleaner clams don't last long in our tanks....6 months maybe, and when they die, they resurface opened cuc should take care of them before you even notice
What's with the miscellaneous letters????
How big is the CBS? Some are VERY mean.......brittle and bristles are usually very tolerant....Have you lost any shrimp?
Sorry bout the letters....keyboard was acting up and didn't see I had left that.
The CBS is pretty good size. Kinda suspected him or the clown. Still have all the shrimp that I orginally put in.


When starfish start to die from poor water quality or an unstable tank, they loose their arms first.
That being said, it's probably the CBS


in my experience, when starfish start to die- its frequently a starvation issue, w/ the animal jettisoning legs, and eventually disaasembling