Problems with pH...HELP!!!


Originally Posted by Cranberry
You mean if the pH rises.
I ran an airpump from outside to my tank during Texas summers.
and....???? did it raise the pH???? i have an airstone in the back compartment for a couple days and have seen no change. would a regular airline work better than the airstone?


Active Member
It did.
My place ran AC 24/7 and the house was air tight. I used a powerful pump though, not just a regular one. If it's an internal problem, no amount of aeration from an inside source will make a difference.


Active Member
Like the guys were saying earlier, increased CO2. It can build up in well insulated houses. This is likely to happen in the winter, or the summer in my case, because we close everything tight to turn on the AC or the heat. If you have a drafty house they this will less likely be a problem. I would turn the pump off in the winter because then I would have all my windows open.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Cranberry
I think you mean if the pH rises.
I ran an airpump from outside to my tank during Texas summers.
Thanks for picking up my slack! I fixed it.
Originally Posted by asharp13

bang i am really at a loss. i live in boulder, CO...some of the freshest air around!!! is there anything i can do to supplement the lack of O2 in the air?
is there a relationship between mag, calc, alk, and pH? do high levels of the first 3 elements supress pH?
An excess of CO2 doesn't mean there's a lack of O2. They are not mutually exclusive.
There is a relationship between mag, calc, alk, and pH. A direct relationship between Alk and PH but it's tricky. As ALK climbs so does the average PH. But if PH or ALK are too high then Calcium carbonate will spontaneously form and dramatically lower PH. I see no problem maintaining a slightly elevated Alkalinity but don't go very high and don't go chasing "perfect" numbers, it's just a waste of time and money.


wow this is some confusing stuff. okay so if i have to live with a lower pH, is 7.8 bad? i kno id rather have it be up around 8.2 but ive done everything to try to fix it and nothing seems to work. will my corals grow slower at this lower pH? fish be less healthy? other problems i should keep my eye out for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by asharp13
wow this is some confusing stuff. okay so if i have to live with a lower pH, is 7.8 bad? i kno id rather have it be up around 8.2 but ive done everything to try to fix it and nothing seems to work. will my corals grow slower at this lower pH? fish be less healthy? other problems i should keep my eye out for?
Have your areated with fresh air yet?


i have not had the opportunity to do that yet but i will when i get a chance...probably sunday. i will report back with the results


alright well i checked my pH tonight and it read 8.2!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!! so now i have it where i would like it and i pose another question: since all i have changed in my tank since the start of this thread is the addition of the airstone in the back compartment of my nano. since this has worked and significantly raised my pH, do i have to worry about too much O2 getting in and my pH getting too high? should i remove the airstone? how high will my pH get and where should i start to worry

bang guy

Originally Posted by asharp13
do i have to worry about too much O2 getting in and my pH getting too high?

O2 doesn't affect PH.
How much waterflow do you have in your display tank in terms of gallons per hour?


wait, i thought adding the airstone increased the O2 being delivered to the tank and increased the pH. am i off the mark on this thinking? now i am confused.
in terms of flow in my tank. the return pump runs 240gph and i have 1 koralia nano powerhead that does about the same. so in total, i guess 480gph. y do you ask about tank flow rates?

bang guy

Originally Posted by asharp13
wait, i thought adding the airstone increased the O2 being delivered to the tank and increased the pH. am i off the mark on this thinking? now i am confused.
in terms of flow in my tank. the return pump runs 240gph and i have 1 koralia nano powerhead that does about the same. so in total, i guess 480gph. y do you ask about tank flow rates?

The airstone is blowing off excess CO2, this is what is raising your PH.
Insufficient waterflow can cause a buildup of CO2.


gotcha thanks for all the help bang!!!! ur a freaking reef genious!!!!! haha and all the shared knowledge is much appreciated. i will stop bothering you with my silly questions. i just have one more for you(and then im done!!!):
since the airstone seems to be working and raising my pH, will it continue to raise it to dangerous levels? if so, when should i begin to worry?
thx again for all the help it is much appreciated