Originally Posted by rldavisou
Today, a wealthy friend of mine asked if I could set up and maintain a reef tank in his house. He said he'd pay me to do all the work. I told him I could do it, but I said I'm not exactly a pro. My question is, how much do you professionals charge to do stuff? He wants about a 75-100 gallon reef. Do you charge by the labor hour or what? Since I'm just an amateur I'd charge a lot less, but I really have no idea what to tell him since he insists on paying me.
When I first started a few years ago the LFS set my corner 92 for $200. He had to plum and put in an auto top off, refugium, uv ect... Took about 4 hours. Are you going to buy the stuff for him? Local Craig's list ect.... If you find a package deal, you can probably negotiate some goodies he won't need like coral or something. If he buys the right stuff, set up should be quick. As far as maitainance, I have heard that most get $50 plus per visit for routine stuff. Get him addicted and I am sure he will take care of you! Man.....that sounds bad!