Profile pics...



There have been a million "faces behind the poster" threads, but I always forget faces and those threads are so long they're not worth going through...
Your user CP allows you to post a pic of your mug in your profile. I think it would be beneficial to my curiosity if you all would use that feature.
User CP, then edit profile picture...


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Whatcha shootin' there Tex?
Umm, I will say "cans" and leave it at that.
.44 mag


I couldn't upload from from a URL... seemed to be broken. So I resorted to attaching a pic... Oh well. Got one there anyway.
"cans"? LOL


Active Member
Alright Tizzo,
I put my profile picture up. Now you'll know what I look like when the times right and you come to Florida.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
I didn't know you were a girl Tizzo! Ewwww! I don't play with girls!

Wow, not only is she a girl, she's a cutie as well!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Whatcha shootin' there Tex?

He spends his time killing SPAM, and that's the only way to git 'r dun.
I've had the same pic there awhile. Might have to change it :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I've had the same pic there awhile. Might have to change it :thinking:
Not what I expected..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Agent707
Is that from a fishing trip? Hard to tell. What body of water is that?
ME? I hope this comment was not for me..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Well, I've gone on and changed it. Perhaps still not what you expect!
Still no...Like the other one..Seems more of what you like


Active Member
Yup, called that one. But really, it is just a seastar I really don't like them all that much. Brittlestars are where its at.