So after having a my 75 Gal tank for a few months I was starting to get disappointed that my Live rock was not growing any coraline on it!!! well my rock started to grow a dark green algae on it and I was concerned, but I had my friend watch my tank for me while I was away for work... I came home and that green Algae has now started to turn into a lovely purple coraline algae I was so happy to see this... it started very soon after I added a huge chunk of live rock from my friends tank that was covered in the lovely purples! but anywho my tank is doing great my 5 fish are super happy
now its time to start looking at some more fish... My tank is happy, the fish are happy, no more brown algae on the sand, growing coraline, my anemone are getting bigger and my clowns love to cuddle them 
this is what I have going
after having the nano listed below I thought it was time to start getting into fish
12 gallon nano going for 3 years now
-no fish in this tank just coral
75 gal
-2 anemone
-1 shrimp
-1 huge lion fish
-1 maroon clown
-1 saddle back clown
-1 hermit
-1 copperbanded butterfly
-1 green mandrin
+ 60 pounds of live rock - getting more
+ 80 pounds of sand
+ Canister filter
+ 700 gal hour power head
+ Coralife protein skimmer
+ CPR bak pak protein skimmer
+ no heater at this time - no need for it
-amazingly all the fish live together and stay out of each others way and they get along great! so far keep fingers crossed.
this is what I have going
after having the nano listed below I thought it was time to start getting into fish
12 gallon nano going for 3 years now
-no fish in this tank just coral
75 gal
-2 anemone
-1 shrimp
-1 huge lion fish
-1 maroon clown
-1 saddle back clown
-1 hermit
-1 copperbanded butterfly
-1 green mandrin
+ 60 pounds of live rock - getting more
+ 80 pounds of sand
+ Canister filter
+ 700 gal hour power head
+ Coralife protein skimmer
+ CPR bak pak protein skimmer
+ no heater at this time - no need for it
-amazingly all the fish live together and stay out of each others way and they get along great! so far keep fingers crossed.