Project 270


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ross
Looks good, only thing i would rethink are the skimmers, i am assuming your talking about aqua c remora or urchins, either way i would go with something bigger.

yea i should have edited that. those are just until my euro reef 500 comes in next week.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sufunk
Awesome tank oceana, May i ask where you got it and how much it cost? Imlooking to get 1 180 to 240 and havent found much . did find one that looks similar to yours 72x30x24 225g but it seems EXPENSIVE (about$1500+shipping)
yep it can be quite expensive. this particular tank would cost around 1650. but i worked otu a trade and paid nothing


Thanks for the reply.
First, the awesome zoos, now a free MONSTER tank???
Im starting to hate you!!!

P.s.- could you tell me where you got it or a good place to get a big glass, reef ready tank?


Active Member
well i drew up the plumbing diagram. just got back from the HD and now its time to turn


I would have to get a bigger house for that monster.......I'm gonna have to look now....for a bigger house that is....smiling


Active Member
Originally Posted by sully
Now that is sweet. I love the way you did all the layout work. Very Nice.
thanks, my wife love the pc graphix programs and does all those for me


Active Member
Sweet. Oceana, do you mind if I save your pictures so in a couple of years when I am ready to upgrade I can use them?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Sweet. Oceana, do you mind if I save your pictures so in a couple of years when I am ready to upgrade I can use them?

feel free but since this is such a new hobby i would guess this way of doing thing will be way outdated in juist a few years. its a very fast changing hobby right now as we all learn more and more.


How did you come up with your calculations for your stand ? I need to figure how to build one for my 240gal reef tank I am about to start 24Wx25Hx96L. Doug


Active Member
Originally Posted by sully
How did you come up with your calculations for your stand ? I need to figure how to build one for my 240gal reef tank I am about to start 24Wx25Hx96L. Doug
I simply over built. As stated a few post up the stand will hold ALOT more then this tank will ever dish out thats for sure. one 2x4 in each corner can hold it. hold strength on a 2x4 on end like that only 36 inches tall is well over 1000 pounds PER board but i used 3 in each corner and and 2 for each center legs.
the key is having PERFECT cuts. no gaps!! measure a few times then cut and measure again. everything MUST be straight and tight fitting.


Thank you so much for the pics you posted of your stand. I built mine today using your plans and I am very pleased how it turned out. Now I need an army to get it downstairs and on the stand. Yap glass not acrylic. Thanks again, Doug


Active Member
Originally Posted by sully
Thank you so much for the pics you posted of your stand. I built mine today using your plans and I am very pleased how it turned out. Now I need an army to get it downstairs and on the stand. Yap glass not acrylic. Thanks again, Doug
yep that looks like just how i did it. once done yourself you can see how stong it will be.
really they are WAY over kill, but better safe then sorry.
holy crap that will be heavy lol. i moved the old tank out of the house last night which is all glass. its less then half the size of the new tank and i bet it weight more then twice as much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yourstupid
***) whats the status of your tank. no updates lately :happyfish
its coming. it was a VERY busy weekend. i took lots of pics and will post the shots of the set up soon. BTW i would have shot you first!!


Active Member
well so far so good. no problems yet. "knock on wood"
i have finished all the plumbing, i got in my skimmer as well as a new sump.
here are some pics of the plumbing as i went along.
in the over flow i built two 2" durso stands and one x1" durso
i also build dursos on the side that goes into the sump. this way there is a air release before the water hits the sump. I am running a dart pump so ALOT of water is coming through the system. i hate noise. so far while running the system is nearly silent. there is a slite hum but even normal conversation drowns it out. i'm very happy with the design.
in the tank i switched from sch 40 pipes to sch 80. this was in the tank the tubes are dark gray. i hate the look of bright white pipes in the display.
once i get all the rock and corals in i will have more pics of the set up.



Active Member
the sad part is the rock in this picture is almost 300 pounds from the old tank. it looks like nothing. i bought 200 more pounds of large pices that i will put in tomorrow.
then i will aquascape and add the corals. right now its all just laying there anyplace it fell.
once everything is running smooth and i am sure everything is just right i will add the skin and molding to the stand and paint it all. should look nice when all is said and done. atleast i hope so. it sure is bugging me having it all open and plain looking.
