Project 300 is underway!!!


OMG, every time one of you guys posts "good job", I recieve notification of a response to this thread, and I get all excited that the pics are up, but


Active Member
I'm still not having any luck with the attachments. I press "Submit", and a white page with a bunch of code shows up everytime I try to post an attachment; a little different than the database error message I was receiving before.
My wife and I are heading out to the airport soon, so unfortunately, I won't be able to post pics until Monday. Sorry!


Thanks RobChuck
Is the 4x21w attinics sufficient or do I need more wattage on them such as 4x65w bulbs like I have seen with some of the more expensive lights?


or else = me disappointed.. thats all.. lol have a great time on your trip! looking forward to the pics when you get back.


You're going to make us wait that long? What will I do with myself? Hey, you're quite the handyman...almost as good as me. Actually, you're better cause you've got the cahunas to do something like this. I would love to, but you know how much $$$ us poor teachers make right? Actually, it's how much money $$$ we don't make. But in about five weeks, I get three months off...WOOOOHOOOOO!


Active Member
We got back from our trip earlier this evening and everything is doing just fine and dandy in the tank. Since my body thinks it's about 2 hours earlier than it actually is, I couldn't get to sleep, so I figured I'd try to post the pics. The first shot here is of the full tank:


Active Member
It looks like I'm still not able to post the pics. I'll try again tomorrow, but if it doesn't work again, I'll try finding a free hosting service.


It has been down for the last 2 days or something... I havn't been able to post for about that long at least. Hope they have all the kinks worked out by tomarrow. Hope ya enjoyed yer trip!



Originally posted by RobChuck
It looks like I'm still not able to post the pics. I'll try again tomorrow, but if it doesn't work again, I'll try finding a free hosting service.

Holy Crap, the progress you made is awesome. Question...if you dont mind me asking....But, how much did the tank/fish/supplies cost you?