Protein skimmer.... A must have?


I know this has been debated on here before but was wondering the benefits of a protein skimmer, I do a small 10% water change a week and a 20% water change at the end of the month. would that supplement the use of a skimmer? I have the coralife HOB 65 gallon protein skimmer with a 37 gallon tank i used it for about a week but its so big and bulky in my small tank i think its kinda an eye sore ya know? Dont have to much livestock/Coral in there ATM: 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 coral beauty, 1 firefish, 1 fire shrimp, the normal CUC, a frogspawn, Duncan, star poly, and an orange cup coral. Would appreciate others thoughts on this topic!


Active Member
You don’t have to use the skimmer just test the water two times a week and see if you can get by with out it… If a thick protean forms at the surface you will want to break it up with a power head to help keep good oxygen levels in the tank.


Originally Posted by GeoJ
You don’t have to use the skimmer just test the water two times a week and see if you can get by with out it… If a thick protean forms at the surface you will want to break it up with a power head to help keep good oxygen levels in the tank.
Ok, good to know. I have a powerhead positioned so there is surface agitation ATM.


Originally Posted by GeoJ
You don’t have to use the skimmer just test the water two times a week and see if you can get by with out it… If a thick protean forms at the surface you will want to break it up with a power head to help keep good oxygen levels in the tank.
TRUE...You do not HAVE to...BUT...ANd this is only my opinion from my experiences...I have a protein skimmer on my 225G, 54G, and my 29G....and after seeing what it pulls out.....I would not go w/o one
(just my opinions)

eric b 125

there are plenty of people that run skimmerless systems. some people only run their skimmers on certain days of the week, even. i dont suggest it, myself, though. i'm a believer in a good skimmer. i think it would serve you well to keep the skimmer on your tank, considering its smaller size. how much LR do you have?


Originally Posted by Eric B 125
there are plenty of people that run skimmerless systems. some people only run their skimmers on certain days of the week, even. i dont suggest it, myself, though. i'm a believer in a good skimmer. i think it would serve you well to keep the skimmer on your tank, considering its smaller size. how much LR do you have?
40 - 45 lbs.


Active Member
If you are deligent on your water changes a skimmer isn't needed. It's just an added bonus that some people use as a crutch from doing as many water changes at times (myself included).

noah's nemo

Like you stated,its been debated too death.I personally have never used one nor plan too,my tanks been running 3+ years now.I do a weekly 5 gallon WC(tank is 125), No issues.....
ahh, you're running the same skimmer as me. I have mine on a 29 gallon tank. As for it being bulky.. I thought so too for a long time. I have made some changes and can't really even notice it that much anymore. It doesn't take up much more room than my K2 now. I'll get a pic for you tonight if I remember.
As to the orignal question. Like everyone said it can be done.. but on a tank that small isn't it worth every extra bit of insurance you can get? That's why I choose to run one *shrug*