Protein Skimmer Help Please


New Member
Should I run a Protein skimmer on my 26 Gal bow front. I am fairly new to Salt water still so I am learning all about this still.


Originally Posted by saltfan1980
Should I run a Protein skimmer on my 26 Gal bow front. I am fairly new to Salt water still so I am learning all about this still.

I'm a fan of protein skimmers, that being said, they are by no means necessary as I do not run one on my 14G.
Need some more info,
How old is the tank?
What have you stocked in it or plan to stock in it?
Amount of LR?
Do you have a sump?
What's your filtration?


New Member
The tank is about 12 weeks no sump I would say about 20lbs of live rock right now I have 2 pink sunk clown's fire goby sleeper goby clarkill clown horseshoe crab and 12 blueleg hermit crabs. is that too much for the tank being only 12 weeks. I am a rookie at this hobby


Originally Posted by saltfan1980
The tank is about 12 weeks no sump I would say about 20lbs of live rock right now I have 2 pink sunk clown's fire goby sleeper goby clarkill clown horseshoe crab and 12 blueleg hermit crabs. is that too much for the tank being only 12 weeks. I am a rookie at this hobby
That is a lot!
Having different types of clownfish in a tank that small is NOT a good idea. Eventually they will kill each other, I'd get rid of the clarkii.
Also, your tank is not really suited for a horseshoe crab. I wish these would stop being sold in this hobby. They're cool, but don't belong in our little tanks.
I highly recommend getting some snails in there, especially some nassarius and trochus.
What do you water parameters look like? How often do you do water changes?


New Member
I do my water changes ever 2 weeks ok I will look into getting some snails for the tank. Ok I will see about getting rid of my clarkill and my horseshoe crab


Active Member
if its got that mich bioload, definitely get a hob skimmer. having a skimmer will help with water quality.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef
That is a lot!
Having different types of clownfish in a tank that small is NOT a good idea. Eventually they will kill each other, I'd get rid of the clarkii.
Definitely. Two species of clowns in any tank is a potential problem; in a small tank, its a death sentence. the only question is when they attack each other. As juvis, clowns can be fairly civil to each other; but as they mature, the skunks should become a pair (M&F) and the Clarkii probably a female. Two female clowns will not tolerate each other.
On the skimmer, as you don't seem to be making a reef tank, (IMO) it isn't a necessity. But they add another dimension of filtration. I've really changed my mind on skimmers over the last few years and wouldn't have any tank without one. Its not something that you have to rush out and do tomorrow, do some research, then decide. I really like Aqua-C Remora HOB skimmers for smaller tanks. Really plug and play, real quality, over-priced (like all skimmers, the world's most expensive acrylic) and Aqua-C has great tech support---a must for me.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef
I honestly don't know that much about HOB skimmers. You might want to ask Meowzer ...
I just bought a Octopus BH300f for my 125 gallon tank. I know it is not the size your looking for but the brand Octopus is a good brand.


Look into the Aqua-C Remora protein skimmer. Like a poster listed above. Those seem to be the best option for hang on the back skimmers, they're not horribly priced and most people like them.