Originally Posted by
That is a lot!
Having different types of clownfish in a tank that small is NOT a good idea. Eventually they will kill each other, I'd get rid of the clarkii.
Definitely. Two species of clowns in any tank is a potential problem; in a small tank, its a death sentence. the only question is when they attack each other. As juvis, clowns can be fairly civil to each other; but as they mature, the skunks should become a pair (M&F) and the Clarkii probably a female. Two female clowns will not tolerate each other.
On the skimmer, as you don't seem to be making a reef tank, (IMO) it isn't a necessity. But they add another dimension of filtration. I've really changed my mind on skimmers over the last few years and wouldn't have any tank without one. Its not something that you have to rush out and do tomorrow, do some research, then decide. I really like Aqua-C Remora HOB skimmers for smaller tanks. Really plug and play, real quality, over-priced (like all skimmers, the world's most expensive acrylic) and Aqua-C has great tech support---a must for me.