Protein Skimmer?

al mc

Active Member
Sorry to jump in JON. seems like we are both answering questions at the same time. not feel bad. I did not know what DT stood for for a long time


Active Member
there is an eight foot tall down draft skimmer at the local university here and its cool as hell but when I was looking at it I asked how hard it was to clean and the guys I was talking to were dreading it the breakdown time was ridiculous so it got crudded up and didnt work as well, when clean they said it was awesome. but no one wants to clean it because its a PITA. but thats just heresay. I would try one out..... I have parts maybe I can build one. hm,mmm.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Al Mc
Sorry to jump in JON. seems like we are both answering questions at the same time. not feel bad. I did not know what DT stood for for a long time

Thanks for helping to explain that (you too Jon).
Maybe in about five years I'll know all the terminology. At least I'm not afraid to ask the questions, right?