protien skimmer chocie

fish boy

i want to get a protein skimmer for my 75 gallon tank that hangs on the back i plan on adding a porcupine puffer and about 50 pounds of live is the SeaClone Protein Skimmer a good chocie it i found it for olny $70 or is there better ones in that price range that can hang on the back of a tank

bang guy

The CPR BakPaks are pretty good.
The Berlin Hang-ons are a step above, but the price might not suit you.

fish boy

basicly i want to get something simple that you can by and just put on your tank i dont want to buy something that you have to buy a pump seperate for it and i dont want to go over $120
go for the seaclone. some people may say differantly but thats only because the older model had some design flaws. they fixed that now, and for the money is a good skimmer! it's basicly the same design as the berlin only smaller. i'd say stay away from the cpr skimmers. they just look crappy to me(but thats just my opinion).


for that price you can check out the prizm pro,its very simple and its a hang far as quality against the sea clone and others in that price range I dont know....I do know you get what you pay for,If I were you I would try to save some more $$ and buy a nice one that you wont want to replace in a couple of months

fish boy

the prizim pro is like $140 more then the sea clone i cant afford it i still have to buy live rock. are you saying that the sea clone isnt good and i will have to replace it in acouple of months???
everyone that i know with a prizm, have then in the same place...........the closet. personally i think they are junk and a waste of money. you get a much better design in the seaclone.(once again, this is just my opinion)
BTW, the only reason you would have to replace it is if you got yourself a larger tank one day. it's rated for 100 gallons, but i wouldn't use it on anything larger then a 75 gallon.(my thoughts)


We had a sea clone skimmer on a 55 gal for 4 months it didnt skim very well at all. One day it sprung a leak at the bottom fitting and we had water everywhere. The o-rings leaked also the only thing good about it is the pump.


CPR BakPak is a very good protein skimmer. the SeaClones are, in my mined, junck. i had one and for a 20 gal and it sill didnt work good. i would go with a with a berlin they are more $ but you wont have to replace it in a long time and could put more fish in your tank. at the least get a cpr bakpak they are still very good skimmers.


I love my seaclone. It's silent, and super effective. It pulls out all kinds of junk. I'd say get the seaclone 150. I've got the 100 on my 40, but wouldn't put it on anything larger than a 55.
Hi fishboy,
I would do a forum search for 'Sea Clone' if you are really interested in this product and see previous posts and feedback regarding them. Try a search for 'hang on skimmer' for more general results with other brands. You can get alot of information really fast that way. Just click on a forum, go to the bottom of the page and choose forum jump 'search forums' and you are there. Hope this helps.
Good Luck


when I said you might want to replace it in a couple of months,i meant like I get what you pay for....the more you look into anything you always find out there is a better way or a better product...I've tried several over my few yrs in this hobby. berlin air lift, better than nothing..then the prizm pro-$99.00 online and i think at *****,not great but works better than some say,I have one on a 45 gal,then my most recent and what I would reccomend to aquaC EV model.I have the 180,I dont think you need one that large its on my 125 and rated for 250 gals,they make smaller ones...I just think you might want to go for something really nice the first time because a skimmer can be an important part of equipment.....yet a few go skimmerless so, who knows......


Active Member
Seaclone if you can't go with the Berlin. But, if you can... do it. I am a pretty big advocate of the Berlins. They really pull $hi* out of the water. That's just my opinion though. :cool: