Pseudochromis and a cleaner shrimp question?


My pseudochromis is only 2 inches long, will i be able to get a cleaner shrimp thats around the same size with out the pseudochromis trying to eat it, cause i noticed it says to monitor the pseudochromis with shrimp?


I would not get any type of shrimp with a pseudochromis. my buddy had one and no matter what size shrimp he put into his tank it killed it. just my .02

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I would not get any type of shrimp with a pseudochromis
I disagree what type of Pseudochromis are you considering


Originally Posted by MattH2181
its just a purple one
that was the same one my friend had and it killed his cleaner shrimp in under 24hours, if you want to chance it then go ahead just giving my advice. I wouldn't do it. just my .02

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by MattH2181
its just a purple one
Are you talking about the orchid dotty back? If so they are considered reef safe and from my own experience I have one in my DT and he has never bothered any shrimp


Active Member
Agree w/ Joe. I've kept pseudo's w/ shrimp as well. They are territorial fish. I've had more issues keeping them w/ other fish than w/ inverts, however. Like Angelfish, it varies among species, and even there, among individuals of the same species as well.


had a neon pseudo only shrimp it wouldnt mow down was a mean mean mean and big coral banded shrimp. cleaners would last til they molted and it was almost like he sensed that. We have a mcculloghi now and havent tried any shrimp with it.


i have the purple, hes with a watchman goby and a pistol, but then again most little fish wont mess with a shrimp that can defend itself, not sure though. no problems for me.


Active Member
some will and some wont. I watched a so called "safe" fridmani kill and begin to eat a cleaner shrimp right at the LFS and a sixline wrasse in the same tank joined the feeding after the orchid did the dirty work. I've owned that sixline for well over a year now and the only reason I dont own the orchid is because it went into a rock and they couldn't get it out. Purples are definately a threat to eat, kill or harrass shrimp even though they are one of the smaller psuedochromis. they arent very nice to tank mates either.


F it... my pseudo is a jerk, hes always chasing my azure damsel around, and my azure damsel is the nicest damsel youll ever see, so i feel bad for him. the pseudo also picks at all the hermits and makes them hide, so im just gonna take him back, only had him a week and my lfs said theyd take him back for an exchange, so im just gonna do that and not even mess around, because i want that cleaner shrimp! an other fish that are nice as well that might get terrorized, thanks for all the feedback tho guys.


did a little experimenting with the my mcculloghi. bought a peppermint shrimp. havent seen him since the first day. Im guessing not.