Pulsing Xenia Propagation Experiment


Active Member
Originally Posted by diane4
Also, I am wondering - what seperates animals from plants. ...
Cellular structure would be the simplest answer I think. Plants have cell walls, animals don't. I'm sure I've forgotten several other simpled distinctions...


Active Member
For all you Xenia experts, have you found what best encourages your Xenia to reproduce naturally? (no fragging)
My Xenia has grown very tall and thick, and each stalk has grown a lot of "polyps", but they don't seem to actually be dividing stalks like some of ya'lls. Just wondering if there is something missing in my tank that's not encouraging reproduction.


how long have you had them? Mine were in there for about 3 months then all of a sudden slowly started to move a nd split. Then 2 months ago I had somthing kill off two thrids of them and everything else was fine. Now the 2 I had left have out grown what I had before, about 5 stalks golf ball sized. I dose some coral vite eveyr water change and add drips of micro food that is in the fridge. I have 3 250 MH 20Ks and 2 96 pc 10 k and 2 96 watt pc blues for lighting.


Active Member
I know someone else posted this question before because im a loser and read every single post lol but can you do this to other corals as well? I wanted to crop a leather and I accidentally broke a rock that had a pearly bubble on it the rock split and so did the pearly bubble and both halves stayed attached to the rock and it lived lol now i have two nice pearly bubbles. Will this work with all soft corals? Can i do it with a colt coral as well? I have an elephant ear that is now about 10 inches wide and is growing like crazy. I like how big he is but if he continues to grow i will have to cut him or trade him in. How would I do that?


I got my xenias from the LFS out of a low lit display tank they had. It was huge and pulsing great in her tank, whe peeled it off the glass, I took it home and netted it...It stuck in 2 days, but has never gained the fullness it was...it shrank down, didn't pulse for months...only in the last couple of weeks it is starting to pulse..but it still looks sickly....I just did tests today they are as follows:
alk 5 meg/l
trates 2
trites 0
ammonia 0 free .01 total
phosphates 0.1
mag 1350
stonium 10
calcium 420
SG 1.025 Hydrometer...<refractometer ordered! YEY!!
i do a 10% water change every saturday.
tank is 55 gal. wet/dry <bio balls gone replace with LR rubble.
30 gallon Fuge.
Lighting. 4 10,000 k VHO <110 watts each> and to 80watt actinics.
everything seems to be in order...but i cant get um to come back to what they were. i just don't know what to so with um.. :notsure:

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic300
I noticed some at the LFS that had moved to a very shaded area. I wonder how little light they can thrive in? :notsure:
Do thay have a big phone man at that store?

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by acrylic300
I noticed some at the LFS that had moved to a very shaded area. I wonder how little light they can thrive in? :notsure:


I just got 3 frags of zenia from a friend. Was talking to lfs and she said she uses super glue. I tried the net and thought I was squishing it to much so I tried the super glue. What I did was put a SMALL drop of glue to a shell and placedthe shell next to a ledge on one of my rocks where I want him to go. After 24 hours he wasattatched to the new rock and is moving out of the shell. Worked really well. All I had was the liquid super glue will want to use gel next time. Has anyoneone else tried this method? I have enjoyed all the posts on zenias. I also have 2 recordia mushrooms that I was told I can cut into 4 pieces each. I am not going to lie... I am scared to do it. Has anyone tried it? What should I cut them with and how? I have used the netting on both of my mushrooms andafter 24 hours they were attatched to the rock. would love to frag them.


Active Member
i dont like the idea of putting glue on my corals if at all possible...i now usually just put a loose piece of rock next to my xenia and as it grows out it grows on the rock...when the loose piece is full i just remove it and put another rock in its place...when using the netting, you dont have to make it too tight, just so it cant fly all over the place.


Active Member
About five months ago my lucrative xenia farm waned in output and altogether crashed. The xenia stopped pulsing, hen stopped growing. In the five months only two small frags have survived and they never pulsed....that is until now.
I was going through my old reciept box (I keep them for tax purposes) and I realized that my xenia problems occured roughly around the time that I replaced the metal halide bulbs in my pendants. I switched from 300 watts de 10k coralife to 14k hamiltons.
Anyways, long story short I put the old 10k bulbs back in two nights ago. The xenia started pulsing within a few hours. Last night I even saw new heads growing. I definately plan on getting rid of the 14k and buying new 10k bulbs when i get the money.
I always knew that xenia require very intese lighting but I had no idea that a change in kelvin could be the difference between a coral thriving well enough to be propagated and a coral slowly dying over a period of 5 months. I think the pulsing was directly related to this as well.
Just something to think about.


Has anyone ever had to eradicate them before? Mine have started to grow so fast I can't git rid of them fast enough. Since they ar eon my main rock work the only thing I can do is place small rocks direclty on top on them smushing them. They then grow over them and I remove the rock to thin the pack out. Usually I can find an lfs that wants them but now they can't keep up with me. so if anyone out there has any suggestions let me know. They look good at the right side of 125, but I don't want them taking the entire tank over. Also does anyone know if they sting? I have many that are clowing around my other corals. Thanks


Mine has gone wild as well under pc lighting growing up the filter tube and on the back glass. I moved a buch to the 75 the bluehead wrass eat a small bit then quite and has not bothered any since. I have it growing and spreading in the 75 with out as much light. If the fish don't eat I can grow it anywhere


I tried fragging my pulsing xenia using the netting method. I followed the instructions to the T, yet when i checked the xenia this morning to see if it had attached to the rock, it was completely disintegrated to mush. What a disappointment. What did I do wrong?


Does anyone know if the zenia sting other corals or green starpolyps. I have the two groups growing together and they seem to be wilting right at the point where they touch.


I tried and all went well, even have heads grown back on the stalks I cut. But can't place in the DT because I think the Sally ate them, toothpick and 1 rubberband was all that was left on the rock the next morn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by goulding.c
Does anyone know if the zenia sting other corals or green starpolyps. I have the two groups growing together and they seem to be wilting right at the point where they touch.
I don't know if they sting each other, but I know green star polyps will grow right over the xenia and exterminate it. Do your best to separate the two.


hi i have the xenia ordered now want to try and propagate it later after ive had it a while .... question though about the orange tree sponge just got one about a week ago and the thing is huge so big had to tilt it sideways in the tank because it was coming out of the water,,, can you propagate them also?? and if so can you let me know how?? i also just got a leather toadstool want to do it too but afraid to do it,,, please let me know.. thanks