Pump problem?


I have a 30g biocube. I have been having a couple of problems with mine. First of all, I can't get the water in the back tank (the one with the minimum/maximum window) to stay in between the two water markers. It keeps dropping below the minimum which causes the tank to fill up with bubbles, sometimes so many bubbles you cant see the fish. (Are the bubbles bad for the fish by the way?) What is causing this - the pump?
The second problem is that the fan has begun to get really loud and clangy. I have tapped on the lid a few times and it has quieted down, but I'm afraid I'm just going to break it if I keep hitting it. Besides, its just a few months old and it shouldn't be doing this.


Yes, but its not really evaporating that much. Its never gone below the line where the glass meets the plastic rim. I did have a hard time getting the salt content to stabilize. It was over 1.025 at one point and less than 1.018 at another. So I was taking out and adding a lot for a while. But its been fine for a couple of weeks now.


sounds like a loose fan shroud or something... Take it out and tighten any screws you see, or run the fan on while looking at it to see where the noise is coming from. As for water level, I don't have much experience with those but it seems like its a topoff issue like bang guy said


When the water evaporates in your tank, the level of the water in the part ot the tank where the fish are will not go down, the water in the back where those max and min lines are. You need to topoff more frequently, and that will fix your problem with the salt and bubbles, too.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Emilaya101
When the water evaporates in your tank, the level of the water in the part ot the tank where the fish are will not go down, the water in the back where those max and min lines are. You need to topoff more frequently, and that will fix your problem with the salt and bubbles, too.
That's what I was thinking.


I added water to the back of the tank last night and this morning it is already below the minimum line. It's got to be something else because I don't think water evaporates that fast. What else do you think it could be? I also cleaned out the filter to be sure that water wasn't being blocked from flowing through the first two compartments.



sounds like a loose fan shroud or something... Take it out and tighten any screws you see, or run the fan on while looking at it to see where the noise is coming from.
Thanks, I'm going to give that a try.


Active Member
With my cube, I widened the channel that allows water from chamber 1 to chamber 2. Now all three of my back chambers are filled, I top off every other day with ro/di