

Active Member
I'm definatly not a spelling nazi, or a grammar guru, (anyone that has read my posts knows that) I try not to make too many typos but I am horriffic at typing. usually I am more about addressing the information at hand than how a word is spelled, occasionally though it can lead to great confusion.
I dont like when people are obviously trying to type in funkanese or hyperslang or whatever that gibberish is called these days, that was given birth by texting. making typos or spelling errors isnt really that big of a deal. but you'll notice I never reply on threads that say "WHUT IS Rung wit my nenome? IS it normal 4 it 2 be green?" and similar.
I try and make my responses as correct and informational and accurate as possible, make your question the quality you want your answer.
Obviously every one makes mistakes, no big deal. Not everyone knows how to spell everything, no big deal. not everyone can type well, obviously I type like a dyslexic chicken with a broken neck, obviously my grammar is very poor, but I do the best I can. I wish everyone would do the same.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bessycerka
make that a beer and a shot
thats when my typing skills go downhill (usually about 7pm)


Active Member
I understood it completely! (OK...the post before the last one
Now, there is the assumption that the word has the letters, and that it has the first and last letter correct. All of the new "lingo," much of which I think is the result of text messaging, throws a wrench into things however.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I understood it completely! (OK...the post before the last one
Now, there is the assumption that the word has the letters, and that it has the first and last letter correct. All of the new "lingo," much of which I think is the result of text messaging, throws a wrench into things however.
Oh Dear Lord....see what you started.

Next thing you know, it will all be in Pig Latin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salty blues
m r pigs.
m r not pigs.
o s m r pigs.
l i b m r pigs!
Anybody get it?
I dnot rleay get it


Originally Posted by salty blues
m r pigs.
m r not pigs.
o s m r pigs.
l i b m r pigs!
Anybody get it?

It's like this one:
c m ducks
m r not ducks
m r 2 ducks
c m wings?


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
I am referring to those that type ebonics or whatever you want to call it in here. I am talking about people that jon321 pointed out.
"what some mushrooms: i was woundering if any one hade some mushrooms for sale if do right me back thanx"
"wtb pollypes of aney sort: " " ime looking fore some pollypes of eney sort
pm me"
Now, even though you and I know what they are tryng to say, it seems obvious that this person failed in english class or doesnt care that he/she spells correctly. I choose to say they are uneducated. An educated person wont make as many mistakes as that simply due to a typo. This person clearly shows ignorance in grammar.
Blame it on the invention of cell phones, Blackberrys, and PDA's. Ever try typing a message or email on one of those things? If you had to type out every word and phrase you wanted to send, you'd be on it all day.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by rudedog40
It's like this one:
c m ducks
m r not ducks
m r 2 ducks
c m wings?
you got it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
This is a chain letter but I find it fascinating. Can you read it?
Now, I can actually read it just fine. It is a crazy thing!
I'll admit to being exceedingly annoyed at times by some of the things I read on forums. I can't get around it. But I do try and step back a bit and keep things in perspective. I am most aware of things that are just plain rude, but I think in some respects this issue is self correcting. The help people are given is often correlated to how well they express themselves and their problem. Those that are the least coherent often get into chats with people their same age, but don't find an audience or assistance from others. That, admittedly, is an approach I take if I find the original post annoying due to grammar or spelling issues.
I know I am likely to make spelling or punctuation mistakes so I am careful not to throw too many stones

I could read it just fine, but I've had a couple Guinness Extra Stouts, so I wonder if drunken writing makes more sense right about now...
I guess the one thing I have to add to the conversation that I haven't noticed yet (forgive me if someone else touched on it and I've missed the posting): where are typing classes in school? When I was in middle school, typing was a mandatory class. We had these stupid programs with a weird, pixelated cat that literally yelled at you if you didn't type X words per minute with 0 errors. This was back in the DOS 2 and Apple IIe days (boy, that made me feel old), but when I see people type at work anymore, I can't help but think to myself "HOME ROW, PEOPLE!" I think this is the only thing that schools are lacking in their curriculum anymore, so as a result, we have people more comfortable with texting "skilz" thank typing. Granted, the work I do looks even more foreign:
foreach my $e (%$bill_data)
$e =~ s/"/'/g;
So, in the real world your typing skills don't matter like they did 10 years ago, but then employers probably don't expect real typing skills anyway. And as for here, on the forums, as long as I can read what someone types, I don't care how it looks. Of course, the lack punctuation is a bit annoying at times, and I'll skip responding to a 2 paragraph posting that looks like one long run-on sentence, but someone else will always be around to answer.


Active Member
I got to 'play' Mario Teaches Typing and I got very good at typing, however, unless I actually think about it I don't tend to type properly anymore...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
As it was noted in a previous thread, it seems that punctuation and correct grammar seems to be a thing of the past and it is quite sad. Although this is a forum and not English Class 101, improper grammar says a lot about a person. As we know, slang has always been around and will continue to be. But the argument that was brought up was not about a misspelling here or there. It was about continuous mispellings and lack of respect for the English language to correct it. Yes, they may put more effort in spelling when it comes to employment. But that shouldn'd be the only time. To make excuses about the reason's for your bad grammar shows even more about you. Example: "its a message board and me and alot of other people on here arent authors". Well, while the writer may not be an author, he/she certainly isnt educated either. You dont need to be an author to know how to use correct spelling.
Many of the youth today seem to think it is acceptable as long as the word sound correct, like "WUT" for "WHAT" or "HOLLA" for "HOLLAR" or loose for lose etc. Its a bit like an engineer arguing that it doesn't matter if a calculation is just wrong by a little bit. It does matter. I think it matters more than they care to realize. Maybe this is due to things like texting where you tend to abbreviate. I get very annoyed with emails where the sender hasn't bothered to capitalise properly or use good punctuation. It seems to say that they really aren't bothered by it. It's mostly the result of laziness, poor teaching and as I said before, lack of respect for the language, unless half the population is educationally subnormal or dyslexic. It's not just that people can't spell or write; what's worse is they don't care, and aren't interested in correcting their mistakes.
I understand that not everybody is a good speller or able to punctuate correctly, but anything that is for public to read should be checked by someone who is or can. These days, there's no excuse for bad spelling. You cannot spell? That's what a spellchecker is for. And if you haven't got a spellchecker, that's what a dictionary is for (kids would call that "old school").
Americans tend to be lazy when it comes to spelling and learning. They take less time to do these things and they don't find it important. People from native countries are more dedicated to learning and doing well with what they are learning. They study harder and are usually more proper when speaking in English than most americans. Also, some foreigners have something to prove in order to keep jobs, etc. so they are going to try and do everything better than an American.
Americans as a whole tend to rush everything that we do. That is why Fast Food is so popular in this country. Now from other countries, people are trying there best to fit in. In most countries, you are rewarded for saying stuff correctly, etc. But, in this country people tend to not care about stuff like that unless if you are in a professional environment like Alix2.0 said. Now, that creates a natural environment for people to relax into and then tend to sink into not caring what they are talking about. It is all about the natural tendency to get stuff done quicker to make time for more fun time.
Maybe some of you who read this will feel its a bit petty and that this is a forum and not school. Or maybe others including myself feel a bit peeved about the way our language is torn apart all in the name of simplicity. Take the extra time to add a letter here or there where it belongs. Most of us that are on here that answer your questions are older and may not take you as serious as we should for the simple fact that you cant take your grammar serious. At an employer's standpoint, it shows that if someone can't be bothered with their spelling and grammar at this stage what chance is there that they would be conscientious about the quality of their work or their husbandry habits.
Maybe this is just a way for me to vent about something. Maybe its nothing at all and should be overlooked. Whichever it is, it is my opinion and I am certainly not the only one that feels this way.
I'm a horrible speller, but I agree, none of this text message short hand, it drives me nuts. You have a full keyboard use it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy

oh goodness...remember those programs?
and what the heck is l i b m r ducks (i understand them are ducks, just not the l i b)
EDIT: nm, well i'll be