Purchased cracked tank, now what?


So I purchased a used 90g tank from someone. I didn't realize that he drilled the tank himself. Now that i've inspected it, around where he's drilled the tank looks somewhat cracked. Obviously, I'm really upset by this. Is there anything you can do to fix this or do I just have to pony up for a new tank.


Active Member
Where is the supposed crack at? Is it sorta a chip around where the old owner drilled it? I do agree if it's actually cracked I wouldn't use it, I'm just suspect as to where the crack is and what it looks like.


just my thought i would consider new tank the carck will probably get worse cause of the preasure from the hose. good luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I wouldn't use it, myself. Personally I'd try to sell it and advertise it for sale as a reptile tank to try and recoupe some of my losses and get another tank.


Active Member
Honestly there wouldn't be any pressure from the hose; or shouldn't be if done correctly....How deep is the crack? Kinda hard to tell from the pic, but if it was chipped, I wouldn't have any issues using it. Does the bulkhead cover the crack?