Purple Fire fish and Red hawk


So I got a Red hawk for my tank about 1 1/2 weeks ago... at first the firefish was afraid to come out but after 3 days or so it came out and was swimming near the top; I assume to avoid the hawkfish. The clown fish seem to be doing fine but its the firefish i can't seem to find for the past 3 days. I don't know if it comes out while I'm not around or at all. I fed the tank on Monday and I did not see her come out of the hole in rock she is usually at. Any ideas to see if she is still ok ? When I fed them on Friday she was out and ate. I know it takes about a week for them to starve... any ideas of how to get her out of that rock ? Also the hawk seems to like sitting on her rock that she hides in... I assume that she is to afraid to come because of this. ideas?


Check the floor for a french fried fire fish. They are known jumpers and have had that happen to me.


New Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy
I have a full top on the tank so I don't think that is possible.
Unless your top is sealed 100%, they always seem to find a way out. I would check the floor just to be sure. Otherwise, he may be intimidated by the hawk and in hiding.


New Member
Originally Posted by Daftboy
I have a full top on the tank so I don't think that is possible.
Unless your top is 100% sealed, there is still a possiblility he may have made it onto your floor. Check your floor to rule that out. Otherwise, he may be intimidated by your hawk and in hiding...


Firefish can hide for quite some time. He/she will grab food when the hawk isn't right there. They will all be friends in time. Give it a few days.


I had a full top on my tank and my firefish still managed to get of of a very tiny crevice and onto the floor. He is probably just hiding from the hawkfish. The hawkfish could have been aggessive with it so it's to scared to come out.


Yay!! I'm glad that you're firefish was alright...that's awesome he was out all swimmin around once you got home, lol! Ya, i have a hawkfish..he's actually the oldest in the tank, had him since july 08 and he's def. the bully in my tank. I just got 4 anthias and within 2 hours one of them already had ripped fins...I'm contemplating on whether or not to go trade him in. After the first couple days he lays off..he just has to show em whos boss. I feel bad trading him in though...cause he's my survivor, uno? I kinda feel like I owe it to him..but he does some damage to the new comers.