So I got a Red hawk for my tank about 1 1/2 weeks ago... at first the firefish was afraid to come out but after 3 days or so it came out and was swimming near the top; I assume to avoid the hawkfish. The clown fish seem to be doing fine but its the firefish i can't seem to find for the past 3 days. I don't know if it comes out while I'm not around or at all. I fed the tank on Monday and I did not see her come out of the hole in rock she is usually at. Any ideas to see if she is still ok ? When I fed them on Friday she was out and ate. I know it takes about a week for them to starve... any ideas of how to get her out of that rock ? Also the hawk seems to like sitting on her rock that she hides in... I assume that she is to afraid to come because of this. ideas?