Purple Nudibranch Molt?


Active Member
I have a purple nudibranch and i turned on the lights today and saw that their was so like film from the nudibranch, but the thing looks alive do they molt? is this a molt?


Active Member
Here finally got a pic the thing in the bottom right of the pic is the film stuff that i was talking about. does anyone have any idea what it is?? is it dying??? looks fine to me but then what is that stuff??


Active Member
Hey bang! Are you shure they are eggs, and if so should i qt them with the purple nudibranch in order to keep the eggs alive?

bang guy

100% they are eggs and 100% you won't be able to keep the larvae. They have a long larval period and I couldn't begin to guess what the larvae feed on. Probably some fertilized sponge egg or something similarly exotic.


New Member
I just got my first purple nudibranch yesterday, and this morning it laid a similar whitish ribbon attached to a rock. I am assuming it is an egg deposit, but now it is stationary in the corner emitting a white creamy substance. Is this Sperm?