I don't think he's gonna make it, but he makes an effort everyday. I feel really aweful.
The first sign I noticed was the popeye. Then I noticed, at th time, a small pishkish mass being pushed out of his body. LIke I said, I was monitoring all water parameters daily, then I couldn't for two days because of two tests I had for school, so the tank was neglected for two days. In that two day period, the Trates leaped from less than 2ppm to nearly 50 ppm. The hospital tank I am using is as old as my display, as they were set up at the same time (3 months old). And the tang came down with these problems into the second week of hypo. This week is week three.
Maybe my problem is that my salwater isn't aged? I usually let the salt water sit for 2 days then add it to the tank... I will do a search on here and see how long my water should be aging.
Here's how I feel now though, if this fish won't survive, that it's survival is highly unlikely, and due to the extent of it's bloated body, should i be thinking of some way to put it out of it's misery? I mean, the poor creature hasn't eaten in 5 days. So if this internal bacteria is eating it from the inside and it's staving, should I let it waste away? Is it fair? I"m loathe to do anything of the sort, but... ::shrugs::
Beth, Skid, Thomas... thank you guys for all your help and support. I think there should be a rule on the forum, that if people refuse to get a hospital tank and treat appropiatly, I think they should be ignored. I've been in and out of the forums the past 2 weeks, and 8 out of 10 people say they want help, but refuse to listen to you guy's advice and modify it their way, or they say they don't/won't/can't afford/or care to get a hospital tank. I stop reading threads as soon and I see one of those excuses. It really burns me. But I digress....
In the mean time, guys, I guess all we can do it wait and see. Today, like the ast couple of days, the tang is attempting to swim around, but is thrown off balance by the mass, favoring to lean to the side where the mass seems heaviest. I've been attempong to feed it but it turns away from the offered food. That dosen't stop the rest of them from eating though.