Purple Tang


Active Member
I have been waiting and researching purple tangs for a while now but I don't know how to tell the first stages of HLLE. Please don't tell me I bought a sick fish :( but if I did I need some help to get him healthy. In this pic the lateral line looks very noticeable, to look at him you can see a line but it is faint. In fact I didn't notice it until I took these pic. Help please :(
Attachment 88512


Active Member
BTW, sense I'm asking... I've read PTs need foods high in beta-carotene which as far as I can figure out is present in all algae based foods. I have Formula 2 flake food, Green Seaweed Salad Sheets and planned to feed grape macro algae from the fuge. I'm thinking that would be a good diet for him... Any thoughts on this would also be appreciated.


Active Member
Ok, I'm stupid. Just found some pics and it's defiantly HLLE. Taking him back is not an option because they will not take care of him.
I have a ground prob and my foods are stated above. What else can I do?


Active Member
Kinda feel like I'm talking to myself :D . I found leigh's post so in addition I will get some Zoecon...


Staff member
Well, the HLLE is not too bad at all, and the fish, otherwise, looks pretty good.
You are doing a good job with food selection. Do add some meaty foods to the tang diet as well. Tangs are about 70%vegetarian, and 30ish meaty.
Zoecon is a good choice for HLLE. Let foods soak in the supplement for a bit before offering them up.
Give it a mo with what you are doing, and I think you will see some major improvement. What type tank is the fish in and what are your water readings? I find that tangs do not fare ware where nitrates are on the high side.
There was a thread about a PB with HLLL resently. See if you can find it.


Active Member
Thanks Beth. He is in my reef tank, the nitrates run around 5-10ppm. Other parameters are stable. That's what I've been waiting for... a stable tank to put him in.
BTW, didn't mean to spaz out :D it just freaked me out. Here I am taking precautions to prevent this and then I go and buy one that already has it...
Anyway, thanks for your help.


Active Member
Which to use?
Zoecon- which says it helps HLLE
Zoe Marine
or all three. I'm planning to use Zoecon but was wondering if it would also help to use Selcon and Zoe marine aswell.


New Member
I have used Zoe to treat HLLE and seen improvement.
I'm sure your fish will improve with either additive. Plus I'm sure your water is better than the lfs you got the fish from.


Active Member
Thanks Matt, I think I'm going to pick up all three and use them at separate times... Zoecon on Monday, Selcon on Tuesday, etc ...


Active Member
It's been about 1 1/2 weeks with no "noticeable" sign of improvement. But now he has a circle on his top fin. It runs from his body to the top of the fin in a perfect circle. What could this be?


I believe Selcon and Zoecon are the same.
Use that and Zoe and Galic should be added to the rotation. Make sure the diet is top notch *greens*, and water quality is good. I have heard the HLLE can be caused by stray voltage in your tank also, so a grounding probe might be a good idea if things don't clear up after awhile.
Just my 2 cents.


Staff member
Reef, I don't see anything there where you circled. What does it look like?
Did you add a grounding probe? This is pretty important. Also, is all your electrical equiptment plugged into a GROUNDED wall socket?
Patience with HLLE. Has the condition gotten worse?


Active Member
Thanks Beth,
I do have a ground probe (& had it before he was introduced) and everything that has a ground is grounded.
No the HLLE has not gotten worse I'm just concerned with his new development. The pic with the circle is before it appeared, I was trying to demonstrate where it was. It looks like a whitish circle... and it's a lot more noticeable than the HLLE. I'll get a pic, that should help. Kinda reminded me of ringworm :( .


Active Member
Well I'm not sure what it was but it's gone. The HLLE is getting better aswell... Atleast it didn't reflect the flash like last time. This pic was taken yesterday 8-7-03.