Put up or shut up!

nm reef

Active Member
Seruiously I wanted to title this thread BB_BS...but I thought maybe a few members would not be able to figure out what BB & BS stood for...I'm guessing that most members will know what the BB & BS stands for by the time I post the first pic below.
But first let be ramble about a few things:
I in no way consider myself to be an experienced reef keeper. I started in this hobby just over 3 years ago with absolutely zero previous knowledge about keeping a marine aquarium.I knew I wanted to establish a reef aquarium though and thats what I set out to do. My starting point was written reference guides and published books by individuals that had experience in this hobby...and I sought forums such as this one(which by the way was the very first saltwater related forum I visited). As I read and asked questions I began to understand that this hobby is extremely diverse in its methods and applications...there are numerous ways to attempt to establish and maintain a marine system. But as I continued to assemble information certain aspects of this hobby seemed to be more successful. I began my journey by deciding to establish a DSB of arogonite based sand with a decent amount of quality LR and a skimmer as my primary means of filtration. In addition I accepted the experience of others that a quality water source was vital and that a brisk current and/or circulation would help the system flourish. In addition I considered all the available lighting options and origionally decided on a combination of PC & VHO lighting.
To cut a long story short I looked at all the experiences and references I could find and based on the information gathered I choose a system or method that seemed highly regarded and widely used(and I might mention...widely accepted). In time the combination of methods and means allowed me to develop what I still consider to be a very nice little 55 gal reef.
The second part of my ramble is that I am no way a technical expert...some aspects of this hobby just escape me. For instance lighting spectrum...well I can in no way explain or define the types of lighting and the available spectrums but I have come to accept the knowledge of people that do have that knowledge...same with the filtration bebefits of using a well established DSB and quality LR...I can't explain the technical side of the processes...but I have come to accept the knowledge and experiences of other hobbyists that know what they speak of. Still to this day I ask questions and gain knowledge in the same manner. For me it is a constant learning experience and I still enjoy it.
My last ramble is the out of step processes and sort of quirks along the way...like water changes not being needed...sure there are examples of systems doing well without water changes...I can accept that...but its not the norm and information indicates that it can cause problems...based on a wide source of reference/information/experiences I've decided to maintain small percentage water changes. Same can be said for use of a quality water source...lots of folks use plain old tap water...but the vast majority of the information I've seen indicates that there are far better choices...so I use RO water exclusively. There are tons of other examples that could be used...but I think most of you get my point.
Which brings me to my final point...my last ramble!!!


Active Member
just don't leave us too over the BB BS!! I kind of take the BB BS kind of like a dog chasing his tail and hope that most do to.


Active Member
haha.. Reef you are a trip! I personally find that when I dont feel like changing my water that weekend I find water changes are not nessessary.. When I feel like working on my tank that weekend, I find water changes are not only essential but nessessary... *grin*


Active Member
HEY I have a point.
This is not an exact science; just because we have good lighting, good water and flow does not mean we can keep every creature, some are just better off left in the ocean. I can keep just about anything in my 250 but a colt coral. I cannot keep one to save my live. We do the best we have with the information we have at our disposal.
I enjoy reading I dont post much I like to take what other people have tried and learn from that. We are all different and we all have our own opinions and different ways to do things. Me I do weekly water changes, I know some dont but this works for me.
My point is "cant we all just get along"?
Okay rambled just a tad:D

nm reef

Active Member
Put up...I firmly believe that the success of the following systems is a good approach to developing a marine system...if you can provide evidence of a method or system that can provide better results then post the pictures as evidence!!! The first few pics are of the reef that Steve Weast calls his...filtered water...lack of pest algaes...high intensity lighting...calcium and kalk ractors...high circulation...some of the methods I believe are the top of the line in modern reefkeeping...if you can provide better results then I wanna see 'em!!!!!

nm reef

Active Member
Sometimes based on recent comments around here I think some people are actually convinced that it would be possible to establish this type display with tap water and un-controlled macro algaes.....get real...if you can then I wanna see it!!!

nm reef

Active Member
I have seen and read threads here where individuals allude to the possibility that its best for fish and corals to have contaminated water and excessive algaes in order to have healthy and thriving fish...can you post pics documenting that claim....fish that look healthier than these?!!?


NM reef,
I consider you an experienced reef keeper, after all you are a moderator! JK.
One thing that I know is that there is a lot of different ways to setup and maintain a saltwater aquarium. So with that in mind I take all the info I get with a grain of salt. There is a wealth of info on this BB some good some bad,
People will just have to figure out what's best for them and there setup.
It's always nice to hear your opinions.:)

nm reef

Active Member
Many times I've seen suggestion that in order to establish a healthy reef aquarium you NEED plant life in order to be successful....more successful than this!!!

nm reef

Active Member
I know I've been asked to moderate these forums...but in essence I am a hobbyist...and a relatively new one at that. My ambition is to use the most sound and accepted approachs available to develop a reef that I am proud of. The aquarium of Steve Weast is without a doubt one of the finest I have ever seen pictures of and I would hope that some day my aquarium would look near as healthy and thriving as his does...so I use established and accepted methods to try to evelop my own reef ....can you show me how this type of beauty and success can be produced with algaes as the primary filtration and by using tap water as the primary water source. If you can then put up cause i wanna better way if there is one...if not shut up because your methods and advice may prevent somebody from screwing up like this...

nm reef

Active Member
All you hobbyists tell me...ever see a reef like this that was established with oyster shells/tap water/and plant life...


NMREEF that is by far the most beautiful tank I have seen yet. It brings a tear to my eye. Very very breathtaking, it is my hope to have a site like that in my home. And thanks to people like bang, kip, and you. Hopefully I will.
As for BS I hope I am not adding to that, I am simply providing the facts and looking for the truth. I want to provide the data so that others can make up their minds on the situation themselves. I understand the feeling. But think of this NMREEF, KIp, Etc. That experience you most obviosly possess need not be lost to all of us. It is hard enough to know what the facts are, and without those that can provide the knowledge. It would be impossible.
Here's what I have learned in the brief time I have been here.
Cheap ain't the best.
DIY sure can.
Store know not all.
Look at both sides and decide yourself what makes the most sense.
Thanks All!!!

Black Omne
Evolving Member.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm sorry members...I've seen people leave this site due to recent conflict and I'm tired of the BS involved sometimes...but can somebody honestly say that by following the advice and suggestions of a particular member here youcan honestly hope to establish this?


nm- you know i faith in your ability, and i respect everything you say.... ill put up tonight wheni get home, for my tank is there and im at work, but great thread, i love it!!!!